Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
Rose Namespace Reference


Main namespace for the ROSE library.


 Collection of functionalities performing global operations on the AST.
 Bit operations on unsigned integers.
 Collection of classes/functions to facilitate generation of source-code (esp. C/C++)
 Combinatoric functions.
 Command line parsing.
 Controls diagnostic messages from ROSE.
 Edit distance algorithms and analyses.
 Functions for operating on files in a filesystem.
 Graph utilities.
 Algorithms for parallel sorting.
 Functions for operating on strings.
 YAML parser and unparser.


class  BitFlags
 Stores a vector of enum bit flags. More...
class  Exception
 Base class for all ROSE exceptions. More...
struct  FailedAssertion
 Exception that can be thrown for a failed assertion. More...
class  FormattedTable
 Class for printing nicely formattated tables. More...
class  iterator_range
 A range adaptor for a pair of iterators. More...
class  Location
 Base class for location types. More...
class  Options
class  PluginAction
class  Progress
 A general, thread-safe way to report progress made on some task. More...
class  ProgressTask
 RAII sub-task progress. More...
struct  RecursionCounter
 Track recursion depth in a function. More...
class  Registry
 A global registry used in conjunction with static constructors to make pluggable components (like targets or garbage collectors) "just work" when linked with an executable. More...
class  RegistryTraits
 Traits for registry entries. More...
class  SimpleRegistryEntry
 A simple registry entry which provides only a name, description, and no-argument constructor. More...
class  SourceLocation
 Information about a source location. More...
class  Stringifier
 Shortens names of int64_t stringifiers. More...


typedef Registry< PluginActionPluginRegistry


const size_t UNLIMITED (static_cast< size_t >(-1))
 Effictively unlimited size. More...
const size_t INVALID_INDEX (static_cast< size_t >(-1))
 Invalid array index. More...
ROSE_DLL_API void initialize (const char *configToken)
 Initialize the library. More...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isInitialized ()
 Checks whether the library has been initialized. More...
ROSE_DLL_API bool checkConfigToken (const char *configTokenToken)
 Check the configuration token. More...
ROSE_DLL_API bool checkVersionNumber (const std::string &need)
 Check ROSE version number. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Location &x)
void processPluginCommandLine (std::vector< std::string > &input_argv)
int obtainAndExecuteActions (SgProject *n)
template<class T >
iterator_range< T > make_range (T x, T y)
 Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges. More...
template<typename T >
iterator_range< T > make_range (std::pair< T, T > p)
uint32_t GetProjectWideUniqueIdForPhysicalFile (const std::string &dbFile, const std::string &physicalFile)
ROSE_UTIL_API void abortOnFailedAssertion (const char *, const char *, const std::string &, const char *, unsigned, const char *)
 Aborts for a failed assertion.
ROSE_UTIL_API void exitOnFailedAssertion (const char *, const char *, const std::string &, const char *, unsigned, const char *)
 Exits with non-zero status for a failed assertion.
ROSE_UTIL_API void throwOnFailedAssertion (const char *, const char *, const std::string &, const char *, unsigned, const char *)
 Throws an exception for a failed assertion. More...
std::string stringify_language_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_language_enum ()
std::string stringifyTransformationSupport_operatorCodeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyTransformationSupport_operatorCodeType ()
std::string stringifyCommandLineFailedAssertionBehaviorAdjusterBehavior (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCommandLineFailedAssertionBehaviorAdjusterBehavior ()
std::string stringify_an_init_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_init_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_decl_modifier_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_decl_modifier_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_local_expr_node_ref_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_local_expr_node_ref_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_operand_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_operand_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_pragma_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_pragma_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_name_linkage_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_name_linkage_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_kinds_of_type_references (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_kinds_of_type_references ()
std::string stringify_a_special_function_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_special_function_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_eh_stack_entry_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_eh_stack_entry_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_pragma_binding_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_pragma_binding_kind ()
std::string stringify_an_insert_location_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_insert_location_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_type_wrapper_a_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_wrapper_a_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_class_type_wrapper_a_class_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_class_type_wrapper_a_class_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_type_indirection_an_indirection_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_indirection_an_indirection_kind ()
std::string stringify_an_array_type_wrapper_an_array_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_array_type_wrapper_an_array_kind ()
std::string stringify_an_accessibility_access_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_accessibility_access_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_type_definition_a_type_definition_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_definition_a_type_definition_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_cpp_cli_import_flag_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_cpp_cli_import_flag_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_init_component_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_init_component_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_constexpr_intrinsic_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_constexpr_intrinsic_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_control_flow_descr_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_control_flow_descr_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_expression_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_expression_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_cast_source_form (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_cast_source_form ()
std::string stringify_an_overload_context (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_overload_context ()
std::string stringify_a_type_class_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_class_kind ()
std::string stringify_an_operand_state_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_operand_state_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_unicode_source_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_unicode_source_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_predef_macro_mode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_predef_macro_mode ()
std::string stringify_an_fp_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_fp_type ()
std::string stringify_an_fp_return_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_fp_return_type ()
std::string stringify_a_token_extra_info_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_token_extra_info_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_function_number_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_function_number_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_builtin_user_function_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_builtin_user_function_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_multiversion_arch_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_multiversion_arch_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_access_specifier_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_access_specifier_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_assembly_visibility_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_assembly_visibility_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_element_position_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_element_position_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_ELF_visibility_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_ELF_visibility_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_attribute_arg_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_attribute_arg_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_attribute_family_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_attribute_family_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_attribute_location_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_attribute_location_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_attribute_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_attribute_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_constant_repr_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_constant_repr_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_address_base_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_address_base_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_dynamic_init_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_dynamic_init_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_template_param_constant_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_template_param_constant_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_character_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_character_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_type_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_integer_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_integer_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_fixed_point_precision_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_fixed_point_precision_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_float_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_float_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_type_mode_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_mode_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_asm_operand_constraint_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_asm_operand_constraint_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_asm_operand_modifier_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_asm_operand_modifier_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_named_register_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_named_register_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_type_qualifier_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_qualifier_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_upc_pragma_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_upc_pragma_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_upc_access_method_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_upc_access_method_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_upc_coherence_stack_operation_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_upc_coherence_stack_operation_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_stdc_pragma_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_stdc_pragma_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_stdc_pragma_value_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_stdc_pragma_value_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_gcc_pragma_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_gcc_pragma_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_microsoft_pragma_comment_type_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_microsoft_pragma_comment_type_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_microsoft_pragma_conform_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_microsoft_pragma_conform_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_calling_convention_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_calling_convention_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_ref_qualifier_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_ref_qualifier_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_templ_arg_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_templ_arg_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_anonymous_union_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_anonymous_union_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_inheritance_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_inheritance_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_cli_class_type_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_cli_class_type_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_property_or_event_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_property_or_event_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_rewritten_property_reference_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_rewritten_property_reference_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_template_param_type_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_template_param_type_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_based_type_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_based_type_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_pointer_modifier_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_pointer_modifier_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_storage_class_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_storage_class_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_opname_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_opname_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_ctor_or_dtor_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_ctor_or_dtor_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_expr_node_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_expr_node_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_lowered_eh_construct_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_lowered_eh_construct_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_expr_operator_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_expr_operator_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_builtin_operation_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_builtin_operation_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_statement_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_statement_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_for_each_pattern_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_for_each_pattern_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_constructor_init_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_constructor_init_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_generic_constraint_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_generic_constraint_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_template_parameter_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_template_parameter_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_template_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_template_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_object_lifetime_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_object_lifetime_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_ms_attribute_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_ms_attribute_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_an_ms_attribute_arg_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_ms_attribute_arg_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_scope_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_scope_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_builtin_function_type_index (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_builtin_function_type_index ()
std::string stringify_a_builtin_function_condition_index (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_builtin_function_condition_index ()
std::string stringify_a_builtin_function_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_builtin_function_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_type_info_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_type_info_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_symbol_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_symbol_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_dependent_type_fixup_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_dependent_type_fixup_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_cli_operator_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_cli_operator_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify_a_cli_symbol_kind_tag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_cli_symbol_kind_tag ()
std::string stringify__cxxabiv1__base_class_type_info__offset_flags_masks (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify__cxxabiv1__base_class_type_info__offset_flags_masks ()
std::string stringify__cxxabiv1__vmi_class_type_info__flags_masks (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify__cxxabiv1__vmi_class_type_info__flags_masks ()
std::string stringify__cxxabiv1__pbase_type_info__masks (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify__cxxabiv1__pbase_type_info__masks ()
std::string stringify_a_result_virtuality (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_result_virtuality ()
std::string stringify_a_diag_fill_in_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_diag_fill_in_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_diagnostic_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_diagnostic_kind ()
std::string stringify_an_end_of_decl_action (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_end_of_decl_action ()
std::string stringify_a_substitution_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_substitution_kind ()
std::string stringify_a_tu_decl_stage (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_a_tu_decl_stage ()
std::string stringify_an_ifc_module_a_cache_expr_option (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_ifc_module_a_cache_expr_option ()
std::string stringify_an_ifc_module_a_cache_statement_option (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_an_ifc_module_a_cache_statement_option ()
std::string stringifyClangToSageTranslatorLanguage (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyClangToSageTranslatorLanguage ()
std::string stringifyClangToDotTranslatorLanguage (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyClangToDotTranslatorLanguage ()
std::string stringifyClangToDotTranslatorClangToDotTranslatorLanguage (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyClangToDotTranslatorClangToDotTranslatorLanguage ()
std::string stringify_builderJovialEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_builderJovialEnum ()
std::string stringifyLanguageTranslationFunctionModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyLanguageTranslationFunctionModifier ()
std::string stringifyLanguageTranslationPackingSpecifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyLanguageTranslationPackingSpecifier ()
std::string stringifyLanguageTranslationExpressionKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyLanguageTranslationExpressionKind ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_Identifiers (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_Identifiers ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_Operators (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_Operators ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_keywords (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_keywords ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_C_CXX_keywords (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_C_CXX_keywords ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_Operators (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_Operators ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_C_CXX_operators (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_C_CXX_operators ()
std::string stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_Fortran_defsROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDirectiveKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDirectiveKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPWhenClauseSelectorSet (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPWhenClauseSelectorSet ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPWhenClauseSelectorParameter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPWhenClauseSelectorParameter ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPClauseContextKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPClauseContextKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPClauseContextVendor (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPClauseContextVendor ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPIfClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPIfClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDefaultClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDefaultClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPOrderClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPOrderClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPProcBindClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPProcBindClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPAllocateClauseAllocator (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPAllocateClauseAllocator ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPAllocatorClauseAllocator (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPAllocatorClauseAllocator ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPReductionClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPReductionClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPReductionClauseIdentifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPReductionClauseIdentifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPLastprivateClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPLastprivateClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPLinearClauseStep (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPLinearClauseStep ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPLinearClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPLinearClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPScheduleClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPScheduleClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPScheduleClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPScheduleClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDistScheduleClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDistScheduleClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPBindClauseBinding (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPBindClauseBinding ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPInitializerClausePriv (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPInitializerClausePriv ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPAtomicDefaultMemOrderClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPAtomicDefaultMemOrderClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPUsesAllocatorsClauseAllocator (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPUsesAllocatorsClauseAllocator ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDeviceClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDeviceClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPInReductionClauseIdentifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPInReductionClauseIdentifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDependClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDependClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDeclareMapperDirectiveIdentifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDeclareMapperDirectiveIdentifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDependClauseType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDependClauseType ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPAffinityClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPAffinityClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPToClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPToClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPFromClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPFromClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDefaultmapClauseBehavior (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDefaultmapClauseBehavior ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDefaultmapClauseCategory (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDefaultmapClauseCategory ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDeviceTypeClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDeviceTypeClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPMapClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPMapClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPMapClauseType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPMapClauseType ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPTaskReductionClauseIdentifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPTaskReductionClauseIdentifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPDepobjUpdateClauseDependeceType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPDepobjUpdateClauseDependeceType ()
std::string stringifyOpenMPBaseLang (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenMPBaseLang ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCBaseLang (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCBaseLang ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCDirectiveKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCDirectiveKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCCacheDirectiveModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCCacheDirectiveModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCCopyinClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCCopyinClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCCopyoutClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCCopyoutClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCCreateClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCCreateClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCDefaultClauseKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCDefaultClauseKind ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCReductionClauseOperator (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCReductionClauseOperator ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCVectorClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCVectorClauseModifier ()
std::string stringifyOpenACCWorkerClauseModifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpenACCWorkerClauseModifier ()
std::string stringify_omp_lock_hint_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_omp_lock_hint_t ()
std::string stringify_omp_sched_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_omp_sched_t ()
std::string stringify_omp_proc_bind_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_omp_proc_bind_t ()
std::string stringifySageBuilderSourcePositionClassification (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySageBuilderSourcePositionClassification ()
std::string stringifySageInterfaceDeferredTransformationTransformationKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySageInterfaceDeferredTransformationTransformationKind ()
std::string stringifyPreprocessingInfoRelativePositionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyPreprocessingInfoRelativePositionType ()
std::string stringifyPreprocessingInfoDirectiveType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyPreprocessingInfoDirectiveType ()
std::string stringifyROSEAttributesList_languageTypeEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSEAttributesList_languageTypeEnum ()
std::string stringifyROSE_token_ids_whitespace (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_token_ids_whitespace ()
std::string stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_keywords (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_keywords ()
std::string stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_alternate_tok (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_alternate_tok ()
std::string stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_Additional_Info (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyROSE_token_idsROSE_C_CXX_Additional_Info ()
std::string stringifyOmpSupport_omp_construct_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOmpSupport_omp_construct_enum ()
std::string stringifyAST_Graph_pointerHandling (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAST_Graph_pointerHandling ()
std::string stringifyAST_Graph_traversalType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAST_Graph_traversalType ()
std::string stringifyAstAttributeDOT_DOTStyles (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstAttributeDOT_DOTStyles ()
std::string stringifyDOTGraphNodeDOTShapeTypes (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDOTGraphNodeDOTShapeTypes ()
std::string stringifyDOTGraphEdgeDOTArrowTypes (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDOTGraphEdgeDOTArrowTypes ()
std::string stringifyVirtualCFG_EdgeConditionKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyVirtualCFG_EdgeConditionKind ()
std::string stringifyAstNodeClass_locationInTree (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstNodeClass_locationInTree ()
std::string stringifyAstNodeClass_includeExcludeMechanism (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstNodeClass_includeExcludeMechanism ()
std::string stringifyAstNodeClassTypeEvaluation (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstNodeClassTypeEvaluation ()
std::string stringifyConstructParamEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyConstructParamEnum ()
std::string stringifyBuildAccessEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyBuildAccessEnum ()
std::string stringifyCopyConfigEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCopyConfigEnum ()
std::string stringifyTraversalEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyTraversalEnum ()
std::string stringifyDeleteEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDeleteEnum ()
std::string stringifyStringUtilityOSType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyStringUtilityOSType ()
std::string stringifyStringUtilityFileNameLocation (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyStringUtilityFileNameLocation ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineSortOrder (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineSortOrder ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineCanonical (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineCanonical ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineShowGroupName (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineShowGroupName ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineSwitchSkipping (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineSwitchSkipping ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineWhichValue (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineWhichValue ()
std::string stringifySawyerCommandLineParserGroupingFlags (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerCommandLineParserGroupingFlags ()
std::string stringifySawyerLanguageClexerTokenType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerLanguageClexerTokenType ()
std::string stringifySawyerContainerGraphEdgePhase (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerContainerGraphEdgePhase ()
std::string stringifySawyerDocumentMarkupTokenType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerDocumentMarkupTokenType ()
std::string stringifySawyerAccessAccess (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerAccessAccess ()
std::string stringifySawyerContainerAlgorithmCsiNextAction (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerContainerAlgorithmCsiNextAction ()
std::string stringifyGenerate (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyGenerate ()
std::string stringifyFlag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyFlag ()
std::string stringifySawyerMessageImportance (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerMessageImportance ()
std::string stringifySawyerMessageAnsiColor (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerMessageAnsiColor ()
std::string stringifySawyerMessagePrefixWhen (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerMessagePrefixWhen ()
std::string stringifySawyerContainerAlgorithmTraversalEvent (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerContainerAlgorithmTraversalEvent ()
std::string stringifySawyerTreeTraversalEvent (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerTreeTraversalEvent ()
std::string stringifySawyerTreeTraversalAction (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerTreeTraversalAction ()
std::string stringifySawyerTreeNodeTraversalDirection (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySawyerTreeNodeTraversalDirection ()
std::string stringifyAssociativitySpecifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAssociativitySpecifier ()
std::string stringifyUnparseLanguageIndependentConstructs_token_sequence_position_enum_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyUnparseLanguageIndependentConstructs_token_sequence_position_enum_type ()
std::string stringifyUnparseLanguageIndependentConstructs_unparsed_as_enum_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyUnparseLanguageIndependentConstructs_unparsed_as_enum_type ()
std::string stringifyUnparse_ExprStmt_token_sequence_position_enum_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyUnparse_ExprStmt_token_sequence_position_enum_type ()
std::string stringifyUnparser_token_sequence_position_enum_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyUnparser_token_sequence_position_enum_type ()
std::string stringifyAstUnparseAttributeRelativePositionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstUnparseAttributeRelativePositionType ()
std::string stringifyFormat_Opt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyFormat_Opt ()
std::string stringify_nlohmann_detail_input_format_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_nlohmann_detail_input_format_t ()
std::string stringify_nlohmann_detail_lexer_base_token_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_nlohmann_detail_lexer_base_token_type ()
std::string stringify_nlohmann_detail_cbor_tag_handler_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_nlohmann_detail_cbor_tag_handler_t ()
std::string stringify_nlohmann_detail_error_handler_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_nlohmann_detail_error_handler_t ()
std::string stringify_nlohmann_basic_json_patch_operations (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_nlohmann_basic_json_patch_operations ()
std::string stringifyDOTGeneration_traversalType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDOTGeneration_traversalType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_FontType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_FontType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_FontDefType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_FontDefType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_InfoType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_InfoType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PdfVer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PdfVer ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_EncryptMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_EncryptMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_ColorSpace (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_ColorSpace ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_LineCap (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_LineCap ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_LineJoin (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_LineJoin ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_TextRenderingMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_TextRenderingMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_WritingMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_WritingMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PageLayout (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PageLayout ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PageMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PageMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PageNumStyle (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PageNumStyle ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_DestinationType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_DestinationType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_AnnotType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_AnnotType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_AnnotFlgs (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_AnnotFlgs ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_AnnotHighlightMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_AnnotHighlightMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_AnnotIcon (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_AnnotIcon ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_BSSubtype (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_BSSubtype ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_BlendMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_BlendMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_TransitionStyle (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_TransitionStyle ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PageSizes (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PageSizes ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_PageDirection (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_PageDirection ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_EncoderType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_EncoderType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_ByteType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_ByteType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_TextAlignment (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_TextAlignment ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_StreamType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_StreamType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_WhenceMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_WhenceMode ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_EncodingType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_EncodingType ()
std::string stringify_HPDF_BaseEncodings (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_HPDF_BaseEncodings ()
std::string stringifyYamlException_eType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyYamlException_eType ()
std::string stringifyYamlIterator_eType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyYamlIterator_eType ()
std::string stringifyYamlConstIterator_eType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyYamlConstIterator_eType ()
std::string stringifyYamlNode_eType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyYamlNode_eType ()
std::string stringifyCommandLineSuffixMultiplierParserPreferred (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCommandLineSuffixMultiplierParserPreferred ()
std::string stringifyCodeGenObject (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCodeGenObject ()
std::string stringifyColorEnabledFlag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyColorEnabledFlag ()
std::string stringifyColorThemeFlag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyColorThemeFlag ()
std::string stringifyColorLayerFlag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyColorLayerFlag ()
std::string stringifyColorAnsiColor (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyColorAnsiColor ()
std::string stringifyYamlReaderLine_eFlag (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyYamlReaderLine_eFlag ()
std::string stringifyASTcmdline_graphviz_tMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyASTcmdline_graphviz_tMode ()
std::string stringifyASTcmdline_checker_tMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyASTcmdline_checker_tMode ()
std::string stringifyASTcmdline_checker_tEffect (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyASTcmdline_checker_tEffect ()
std::string stringifyAST_DefectsKind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAST_DefectsKind ()
std::string stringifyAST_DefectsReason (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAST_DefectsReason ()
std::string stringifyFormattedTableFormat (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyFormattedTableFormat ()
std::string stringifyFormattedTableAlignment (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyFormattedTableAlignment ()
std::string stringifyAbstractMemoryObjectIndexSetIndex_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAbstractMemoryObjectIndexSetIndex_type ()
std::string stringifyFunctionCallInfoInsertionMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyFunctionCallInfoInsertionMode ()
std::string stringifyOmpSupport_omp_rtl_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOmpSupport_omp_rtl_enum ()
std::string stringify_tgt_map_type (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_tgt_map_type ()
std::string stringify_kmp_sched_t (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_kmp_sched_t ()
std::string stringifySimdType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySimdType ()
std::string stringifyOpType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyOpType ()
std::string stringify_omp_rtl_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_omp_rtl_enum ()
std::string stringify_defaultEnumFunctionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_defaultEnumFunctionType ()
std::string stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsScopeIdentifier_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsScopeIdentifier_Enum ()
std::string stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsPlacementPosition_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsPlacementPosition_Enum ()
std::string stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsIntermediateFileStringPosition_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyMidLevelCollectionTypedefsIntermediateFileStringPosition_Enum ()
std::string stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsScopeIdentifier_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsScopeIdentifier_Enum ()
std::string stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsPlacementPosition_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsPlacementPosition_Enum ()
std::string stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsIntermediateFileStringPosition_Enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyHighLevelCollectionTypedefsIntermediateFileStringPosition_Enum ()
std::string stringifyWarningType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyWarningType ()
std::string stringifyAstAttributeOwnershipPolicy (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstAttributeOwnershipPolicy ()
std::string stringifySDG_SDGNodeNodeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySDG_SDGNodeNodeType ()
std::string stringifySDG_SDGEdgeEdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySDG_SDGEdgeEdgeType ()
std::string stringifySDG_SDGEdgeControlDependenceType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySDG_SDGEdgeControlDependenceType ()
std::string stringifySDG_PDGEdgeEdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySDG_PDGEdgeEdgeType ()
std::string stringifyConstrGraph_levels (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyConstrGraph_levels ()
std::string stringifyTaintLatticeVertex (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyTaintLatticeVertex ()
std::string stringifyCGFunction_iterator_direction (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCGFunction_iterator_direction ()
std::string stringifyDominatorTreesAndDominanceFrontiersDominatorTreeDirection (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDominatorTreesAndDominanceFrontiersDominatorTreeDirection ()
std::string stringify_ssa_unfiltered_cfgReachingDefType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_ssa_unfiltered_cfgReachingDefType ()
std::string stringifyIRProcType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyIRProcType ()
std::string stringifyIRStmtType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyIRStmtType ()
std::string stringifyCallGraphEdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCallGraphEdgeType ()
std::string stringifyCFG_EdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCFG_EdgeType ()
std::string stringifyRITarjType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyRITarjType ()
std::string stringifyRITarjEdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyRITarjEdgeType ()
std::string stringifyRIFG_EdgeDirection (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyRIFG_EdgeDirection ()
std::string stringifyRIFG_ForwardBackward (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyRIFG_ForwardBackward ()
std::string stringifyBaseGraphBiDirNodesIterator_dirType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyBaseGraphBiDirNodesIterator_dirType ()
std::string stringifyDominatorTreesAndDominanceFrontiersDir_ection (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyDominatorTreesAndDominanceFrontiersDir_ection ()
std::string stringifyArithmeticIntensityMeasurement_running_mode_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyArithmeticIntensityMeasurement_running_mode_enum ()
std::string stringifyArithmeticIntensityMeasurement_fp_operation_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyArithmeticIntensityMeasurement_fp_operation_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifyReachingDefType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyReachingDefType ()
std::string stringifyEditDistanceTreeEditDistanceEditType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyEditDistanceTreeEditDistanceEditType ()
std::string stringifyCollectAliasRelationsCOLOR (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCollectAliasRelationsCOLOR ()
std::string stringifyCollectAliasRelationsTRAVERSAL_TYPE (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCollectAliasRelationsTRAVERSAL_TYPE ()
std::string stringifyPtrAliasAnalysisCOLOR (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyPtrAliasAnalysisCOLOR ()
std::string stringifyPtrAliasAnalysisTRAVERSAL_TYPE (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyPtrAliasAnalysisTRAVERSAL_TYPE ()
std::string stringify_yytokentype (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringify_yytokentype ()
std::string stringifyMatchStatusPatternMatchMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyMatchStatusPatternMatchMode ()
std::string stringifyMatchStatusCheckNodeMode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyMatchStatusCheckNodeMode ()
std::string stringifySnippetInsertMechanism (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySnippetInsertMechanism ()
std::string stringifySnippetLocalDeclarationPosition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySnippetLocalDeclarationPosition ()
std::string stringifyCodeThornVariableIdMappingAggregateType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCodeThornVariableIdMappingAggregateType ()
std::string stringifyCodeThornVariableIdMappingVariableScope (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCodeThornVariableIdMappingVariableScope ()
std::string stringifySgNodeHelperPatternOutputTargetOType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgNodeHelperPatternOutputTargetOType ()
std::string stringifyCodeThornLabelPropertyLabelType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCodeThornLabelPropertyLabelType ()
std::string stringifyCodeThornLabelPropertyIOType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCodeThornLabelPropertyIOType ()
std::string stringifyBooleanQueryTypeOfQueryType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyBooleanQueryTypeOfQueryType ()
std::string stringifyNameQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNameQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter ()
std::string stringifyNameQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNameQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters ()
std::string stringifyAstQueryNamespaceQueryDepth (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyAstQueryNamespaceQueryDepth ()
std::string stringifyNumberQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNumberQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter ()
std::string stringifyNumberQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNumberQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters ()
std::string stringifyNodeQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNodeQueryTypeOfQueryTypeOneParameter ()
std::string stringifyNodeQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyNodeQueryTypeOfQueryTypeTwoParameters ()
std::string stringifyCxx_GrammarVariants (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyCxx_GrammarVariants ()
std::string stringifyVariantT (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyVariantT ()
std::string stringifySgConstVolatileModifier_cv_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgConstVolatileModifier_cv_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgStorageModifier_storage_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgStorageModifier_storage_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgAccessModifier_access_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgAccessModifier_access_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgFunctionModifier_function_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgFunctionModifier_function_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgUPC_AccessModifier_upc_access_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgUPC_AccessModifier_upc_access_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgSpecialFunctionModifier_special_function_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgSpecialFunctionModifier_special_function_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgElaboratedTypeModifier_elaborated_type_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgElaboratedTypeModifier_elaborated_type_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgLinkageModifier_linkage_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgLinkageModifier_linkage_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgBaseClassModifier_baseclass_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgBaseClassModifier_baseclass_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgStructureModifier_jovial_structure_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgStructureModifier_jovial_structure_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgTypeModifier_type_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTypeModifier_type_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgTypeModifier_gnu_extension_machine_mode_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTypeModifier_gnu_extension_machine_mode_enum ()
std::string stringifySgDeclarationModifier_declaration_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgDeclarationModifier_declaration_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgDeclarationModifier_gnu_declaration_visability_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgDeclarationModifier_gnu_declaration_visability_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOpenclAccessModeModifier_access_mode_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOpenclAccessModeModifier_access_mode_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySg_File_Info_classifier (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySg_File_Info_classifier ()
std::string stringifySg_File_Info_p_fileflags (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySg_File_Info_p_fileflags ()
std::string stringifySgFile_outputFormatOption_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgFile_outputFormatOption_enum ()
std::string stringifySgFile_languageOption_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgFile_languageOption_enum ()
std::string stringifySgFile_standard_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgFile_standard_enum ()
std::string stringifySgProject_template_instantiation_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgProject_template_instantiation_enum ()
std::string stringifySgUnparse_Info_unparse_type_num (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgUnparse_Info_unparse_type_num ()
std::string stringifySgUnparse_Info_access_attr_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgUnparse_Info_access_attr_enum ()
std::string stringifySgTemplateParameter_template_parameter_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTemplateParameter_template_parameter_enum ()
std::string stringifySgTemplateArgument_template_argument_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTemplateArgument_template_argument_enum ()
std::string stringifySgGraphGraphEdgeType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgGraphGraphEdgeType ()
std::string stringifySgGraphGraphProperties (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgGraphGraphProperties ()
std::string stringifySgDataStatementValue_data_statement_value_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgDataStatementValue_data_statement_value_enum ()
std::string stringifySgType_useWithinDeclarationEnum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgType_useWithinDeclarationEnum ()
std::string stringifySgType_fortran_attribute_specifiers_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgType_fortran_attribute_specifiers_enum ()
std::string stringifySgModifierType_modifiers (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgModifierType_modifiers ()
std::string stringifySgModifierType_type_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgModifierType_type_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgModifierType_storage_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgModifierType_storage_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgModifierType_access_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgModifierType_access_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgMemberFunctionType_mfunc_specifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgMemberFunctionType_mfunc_specifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgLocatedNodePositionOfPreprocessingInfoInListType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgLocatedNodePositionOfPreprocessingInfoInListType ()
std::string stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Keywords (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Keywords ()
std::string stringifySgTokenROSE_C_CXX_keywords (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTokenROSE_C_CXX_keywords ()
std::string stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Operators (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Operators ()
std::string stringifySgTokenROSE_C_CXX_Operators (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTokenROSE_C_CXX_Operators ()
std::string stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTokenROSE_Fortran_Additional_Info ()
std::string stringifySgInitializedName_preinitialization_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgInitializedName_preinitialization_enum ()
std::string stringifySgInitializedName_asm_register_name_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgInitializedName_asm_register_name_enum ()
std::string stringifySgInitializedName_gnu_variable_attribute_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgInitializedName_gnu_variable_attribute_enum ()
std::string stringifySgInitializedName_excess_specifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgInitializedName_excess_specifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_default_option_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_default_option_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_schedule_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_schedule_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_schedule_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_schedule_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_in_reduction_identifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_in_reduction_identifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_task_reduction_identifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_task_reduction_identifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_defaultmap_behavior_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_defaultmap_behavior_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_defaultmap_category_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_defaultmap_category_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_reduction_identifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_reduction_identifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_reduction_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_reduction_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_linear_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_linear_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_device_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_device_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_lastprivate_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_lastprivate_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_when_context_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_when_context_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_when_context_vendor_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_when_context_vendor_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_allocate_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_allocate_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_allocator_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_allocator_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_uses_allocators_allocator_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_uses_allocators_allocator_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_to_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_to_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_from_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_from_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_dependence_type_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_dependence_type_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_depend_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_depend_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_affinity_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_affinity_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_target_type_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_target_type_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_sharing_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_sharing_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_mapping_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_mapping_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_property_visibility_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_property_visibility_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_access_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_access_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_distribution_pattern_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_distribution_pattern_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_allocator_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_allocator_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_deallocator_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_upir_data_deallocator_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_map_operator_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_map_operator_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_map_dist_data_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_map_dist_data_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_proc_bind_policy_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_proc_bind_policy_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_bind_binding_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_bind_binding_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_atomic_default_mem_order_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_atomic_default_mem_order_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_order_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_order_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_dist_schedule_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_dist_schedule_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_atomic_clause_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_atomic_clause_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_if_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_if_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgOmpClause_omp_depobj_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgOmpClause_omp_depobj_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgForAllStatement_forall_statement_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgForAllStatement_forall_statement_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgDeclarationStatement_template_specialization_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgDeclarationStatement_template_specialization_enum ()
std::string stringifySgDeclarationStatement_gnu_extension_visability_attribute_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgDeclarationStatement_gnu_extension_visability_attribute_enum ()
std::string stringifySgVariableDeclaration_gnu_extension_declaration_attributes_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgVariableDeclaration_gnu_extension_declaration_attributes_enum ()
std::string stringifySgAttributeSpecificationStatement_attribute_spec_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgAttributeSpecificationStatement_attribute_spec_enum ()
std::string stringifySgTemplateDeclaration_template_type_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTemplateDeclaration_template_type_enum ()
std::string stringifySgInterfaceStatement_generic_spec_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgInterfaceStatement_generic_spec_enum ()
std::string stringifySgClassDeclaration_class_types (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgClassDeclaration_class_types ()
std::string stringifySgTemplateClassDeclaration_class_types (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgTemplateClassDeclaration_class_types ()
std::string stringifySgImplicitStatement_implicit_spec_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgImplicitStatement_implicit_spec_enum ()
std::string stringifySgProcedureHeaderStatement_subprogram_kind_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgProcedureHeaderStatement_subprogram_kind_enum ()
std::string stringifySgProcessControlStatement_control_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgProcessControlStatement_control_enum ()
std::string stringifySgIOStatement_io_statement_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgIOStatement_io_statement_enum ()
std::string stringifySgImageControlStatement_image_control_statement_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgImageControlStatement_image_control_statement_enum ()
std::string stringifySgUnaryOpSgop_mode (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgUnaryOpSgop_mode ()
std::string stringifySgCastExp_cast_type_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgCastExp_cast_type_enum ()
std::string stringifySgThrowOp_e_throw_kind (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgThrowOp_e_throw_kind ()
std::string stringifySgAsmOp_asm_operand_modifier_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgAsmOp_asm_operand_modifier_enum ()
std::string stringifySgAsmOp_asm_operand_constraint_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgAsmOp_asm_operand_constraint_enum ()
std::string stringifySgLabelSymbol_label_type_enum (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifySgLabelSymbol_label_type_enum ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSourceFile (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSourceFile ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUnknownFile (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUnknownFile ()
std::string stringifyE_SgProject (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgProject ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExpBaseClass (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExpBaseClass ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNonrealBaseClass (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNonrealBaseClass ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBaseClass (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBaseClass ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateParameter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateParameter ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateArgument (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateArgument ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDirectory (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDirectory ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFileList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFileList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDirectoryList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDirectoryList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateArgumentList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateArgumentList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateParameterList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateParameterList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIncludeFile (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIncludeFile ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnknown (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnknown ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeChar (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeChar ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSignedChar (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSignedChar ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedChar (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedChar ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeShort (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeShort ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSignedShort (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSignedShort ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedShort (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedShort ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeInt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeInt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSignedInt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSignedInt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedInt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedInt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSignedLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSignedLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeVoid (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeVoid ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeGlobalVoid (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeGlobalVoid ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeWchar (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeWchar ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeFloat (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeFloat ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeDouble (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeDouble ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeLongLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeLongLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSignedLongLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSignedLongLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedLongLong (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsignedLongLong ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeSigned128bitInteger (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeSigned128bitInteger ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeUnsigned128bitInteger (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeUnsigned128bitInteger ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeFloat80 (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeFloat80 ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeLongDouble (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeLongDouble ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeString (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeString ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeBool (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeBool ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPointerMemberType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPointerMemberType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPointerType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPointerType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgReferenceType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgReferenceType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgClassType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgClassType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEnumType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEnumType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypedefType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypedefType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNonrealType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNonrealType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNamedType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNamedType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgModifierType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgModifierType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPartialFunctionModifierType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPartialFunctionModifierType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPartialFunctionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPartialFunctionType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgArrayType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgArrayType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeEllipse (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeEllipse ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgQualifiedNameType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgQualifiedNameType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeComplex (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeComplex ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeImaginary (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeImaginary ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeDefault (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeDefault ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeCAFTeam (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeCAFTeam ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeCrayPointer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeCrayPointer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeLabel (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeLabel ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRvalueReferenceType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRvalueReferenceType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeNullptr (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeNullptr ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDeclType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDeclType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeOfType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeOfType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeMatrix (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeMatrix ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeTuple (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeTuple ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeChar16 (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeChar16 ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeChar32 (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeChar32 ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeFloat128 (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeFloat128 ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeFixed (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeFixed ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAutoType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAutoType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgType (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgType ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCommonBlockObject (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCommonBlockObject ()
std::string stringifyE_SgInitializedName (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgInitializedName ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDefaultClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDefaultClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDistScheduleClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDistScheduleClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpOrderedClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpOrderedClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpCollapseClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpCollapseClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpIfClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpIfClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirNumUnitsField (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirNumUnitsField ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpNumTeamsClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpNumTeamsClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpThreadLimitClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpThreadLimitClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDeviceClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDeviceClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpHintClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpHintClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpGrainsizeClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpGrainsizeClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpNumTasksClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpNumTasksClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDetachClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDetachClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSafelenClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSafelenClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSimdlenClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSimdlenClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpFinalClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpFinalClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpPriorityClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpPriorityClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpPartialClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpPartialClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSizesClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSizesClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpExpressionClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpExpressionClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpExtImplementationDefinedRequirementClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpExtImplementationDefinedRequirementClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpCopyprivateClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpCopyprivateClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpPrivateClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpPrivateClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpFirstprivateClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpFirstprivateClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpNontemporalClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpNontemporalClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpInclusiveClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpInclusiveClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpExclusiveClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpExclusiveClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpIsDevicePtrClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpIsDevicePtrClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpUseDevicePtrClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpUseDevicePtrClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpUseDeviceAddrClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpUseDeviceAddrClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSharedClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSharedClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpCopyinClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpCopyinClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpLastprivateClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpLastprivateClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpReductionClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpReductionClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpInReductionClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpInReductionClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskReductionClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskReductionClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpMapClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpMapClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpAllocateClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpAllocateClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpUniformClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpUniformClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpAlignedClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpAlignedClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpLinearClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpLinearClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDependClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDependClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpAffinityClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpAffinityClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpToClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpToClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpFromClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpFromClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpVariablesClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpVariablesClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpScheduleClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpScheduleClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpWhenClause (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpWhenClause ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirDataItemField (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirDataItemField ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLambdaCapture (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLambdaCapture ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLambdaCaptureList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLambdaCaptureList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgGlobal (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgGlobal ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBasicBlock (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBasicBlock ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIfStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIfStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionDefinition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionDefinition ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionDefinition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionDefinition ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDefn (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDefn ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateClassDefinition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateClassDefinition ()
std::string stringifyE_SgClassDefinition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgClassDefinition ()
std::string stringifyE_SgWhileStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgWhileStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDoWhileStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDoWhileStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSwitchStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSwitchStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCatchOptionStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCatchOptionStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssociateStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssociateStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFortranNonblockedDo (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFortranNonblockedDo ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFortranDo (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFortranDo ()
std::string stringifyE_SgForAllStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgForAllStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcForAllStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcForAllStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCAFWithTeamStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCAFWithTeamStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterScope (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterScope ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRangeBasedForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRangeBasedForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateVariableDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateVariableDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVariableDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVariableDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVariableDefinition (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVariableDefinition ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEnumDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEnumDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAsmStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAsmStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDirectiveStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDirectiveStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUseStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUseStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgInterfaceStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgInterfaceStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCommonBlock (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCommonBlock ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateTypedefDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationTypedefDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationTypedefDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypedefDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypedefDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgStatementFunctionStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgStatementFunctionStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCtorInitializerList (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCtorInitializerList ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPragmaDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPragmaDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateClassDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateClassDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationDecl ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDerivedTypeStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDerivedTypeStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgModuleStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgModuleStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgClassDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgClassDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgImplicitStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgImplicitStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl ()
std::string stringifyE_SgProgramHeaderStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgProgramHeaderStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgProcedureHeaderStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgProcedureHeaderStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEntryStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEntryStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIncludeDirectiveStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIncludeDirectiveStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpThreadprivateStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpThreadprivateStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpRequiresStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpRequiresStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskwaitStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskwaitStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgStmtDeclarationStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgStmtDeclarationStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgStaticAssertionDeclaration (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgStaticAssertionDeclaration ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDeclareSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDeclareSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExprStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExprStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLabelStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLabelStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCaseOptionStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCaseOptionStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTryStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTryStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDefaultOptionStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDefaultOptionStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgReturnStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgReturnStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSpawnStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSpawnStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgForInitStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgForInitStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCatchStatementSeq (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCatchStatementSeq ()
std::string stringifyE_SgProcessControlStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgProcessControlStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPrintStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPrintStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgReadStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgReadStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgWriteStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgWriteStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOpenStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOpenStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCloseStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCloseStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgInquireStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgInquireStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFlushStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFlushStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBackspaceStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBackspaceStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRewindStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRewindStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEndfileStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEndfileStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgWaitStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgWaitStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIOStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIOStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgWhereStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgWhereStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElseWhereStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElseWhereStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNullifyStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNullifyStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgArithmeticIfStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgArithmeticIfStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssignStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssignStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgComputedGotoStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgComputedGotoStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssignedGotoStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssignedGotoStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAllocateStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAllocateStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDeallocateStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDeallocateStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcNotifyStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcNotifyStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcWaitStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcWaitStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcBarrierStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcBarrierStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpMasterStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpMasterStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSectionStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSectionStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpWorkshareStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpWorkshareStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirSpmdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirSpmdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSingleStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSingleStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpAtomicStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpAtomicStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpScanStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpScanStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpMetadirectiveStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpMetadirectiveStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpOrderedStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpOrderedStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskgroupStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskgroupStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskloopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskloopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDepobjStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDepobjStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetEnterDataStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetEnterDataStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetExitDataStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetExitDataStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpMasterTaskloopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpMasterTaskloopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDoStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDoStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpSectionsStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpSectionsStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirTaskStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirTaskStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetDataStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetDataStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpParallelLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpParallelLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelForSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelForSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetParallelLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTargetTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeParallelForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeParallelForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeParallelForSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeParallelForSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTaskloopSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTaskloopSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpMasterTaskloopSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpMasterTaskloopSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterTaskloopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterTaskloopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterTaskloopSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpParallelMasterTaskloopSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeParallelForStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeParallelForStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsDistributeParallelForSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTeamsLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpForSimdStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpForSimdStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpCriticalStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpCriticalStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpDistributeStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpUnrollStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpUnrollStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpTileStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpTileStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirLoopStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirLoopStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirFieldBodyStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirFieldBodyStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpirBodyStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpirBodyStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpFlushStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpFlushStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOmpAllocateStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOmpAllocateStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgWithStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgWithStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssertStmt (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssertStmt ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExecStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExecStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSyncAllStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSyncAllStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSyncImagesStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSyncImagesStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSyncMemoryStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSyncMemoryStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSyncTeamStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSyncTeamStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLockStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLockStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUnlockStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUnlockStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgImageControlStatement (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgImageControlStatement ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExpressionRoot (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExpressionRoot ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMinusOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMinusOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUnaryAddOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUnaryAddOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNotOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNotOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPointerDerefExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPointerDerefExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAddressOfOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAddressOfOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMinusMinusOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMinusMinusOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPlusPlusOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPlusPlusOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBitComplementOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBitComplementOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCastExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCastExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgThrowOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgThrowOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRealPartOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRealPartOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgImagPartOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgImagPartOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgConjugateOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgConjugateOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUserDefinedUnaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUserDefinedUnaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMatrixTransposeOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMatrixTransposeOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUnaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUnaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgArrowExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgArrowExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDotExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDotExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDotStarOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDotStarOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgArrowStarOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgArrowStarOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEqualityOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEqualityOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLessThanOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLessThanOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgGreaterThanOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgGreaterThanOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNotEqualOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNotEqualOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLessOrEqualOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLessOrEqualOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgGreaterOrEqualOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgGreaterOrEqualOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAddOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAddOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSubtractOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSubtractOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMultiplyOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMultiplyOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDivideOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDivideOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIntegerDivideOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIntegerDivideOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgModOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgModOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAndOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAndOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgOrOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgOrOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBitXorOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBitXorOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBitAndOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBitAndOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBitOrOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBitOrOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBitEqvOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBitEqvOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCommaOpExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCommaOpExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLshiftOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLshiftOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRshiftOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRshiftOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPntrArrRefExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPntrArrRefExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgScopeOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgScopeOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExponentiationOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExponentiationOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgConcatenationOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgConcatenationOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPointerAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPointerAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUserDefinedBinaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUserDefinedBinaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPlusAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPlusAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMinusAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMinusAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAndAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAndAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIorAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIorAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMultAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMultAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDivAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDivAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgModAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgModAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgXorAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgXorAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLshiftAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLshiftAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRshiftAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRshiftAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIntegerDivideAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIntegerDivideAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExponentiationAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExponentiationAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCompoundAssignOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCompoundAssignOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMembershipOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMembershipOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSpaceshipOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSpaceshipOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNonMembershipOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNonMembershipOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIsOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIsOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIsNotOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIsNotOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseMultiplyOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseMultiplyOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwisePowerOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwisePowerOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseLeftDivideOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseLeftDivideOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseDivideOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseDivideOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseAddOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseAddOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseSubtractOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseSubtractOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgElementwiseOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgElementwiseOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgPowerOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgPowerOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLeftDivideOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLeftDivideOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDAddOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDAddOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDSubOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDSubOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDMulOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDMulOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDDivOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDDivOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDFmaOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDFmaOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDBinaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDBinaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDLoad (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDLoad ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDBroadcast (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDBroadcast ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDStore (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDStore ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDPartialStore (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDPartialStore ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDScalarStore (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDScalarStore ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDGather (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDGather ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDExplicitGather (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDExplicitGather ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSIMDScatter (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSIMDScatter ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBinaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBinaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgListExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgListExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTupleExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTupleExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMatrixExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMatrixExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgExprListExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgExprListExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgComplexVal (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgComplexVal ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCudaKernelCallExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCudaKernelCallExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionCallExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionCallExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCallExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCallExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSizeOfOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSizeOfOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcLocalsizeofExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcLocalsizeofExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcBlocksizeofExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcBlocksizeofExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUpcElemsizeofExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUpcElemsizeofExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypeIdOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypeIdOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgConditionalExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgConditionalExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNewExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNewExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDeleteExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDeleteExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAggregateInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAggregateInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCompoundInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCompoundInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgConstructorInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgConstructorInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAssignInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAssignInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDesignatedInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDesignatedInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgBracedInitializer (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgBracedInitializer ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVarArgStartOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVarArgStartOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVarArgOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVarArgOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVarArgEndOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVarArgEndOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVarArgCopyOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVarArgCopyOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgVarArgStartOneOperandOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgVarArgStartOneOperandOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSubscriptExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSubscriptExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgImpliedDo (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgImpliedDo ()
std::string stringifyE_SgIOItemExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgIOItemExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgStatementExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgStatementExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAsmOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAsmOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgActualArgumentExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgActualArgumentExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgUnknownArrayOrFunctionReference (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgUnknownArrayOrFunctionReference ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCAFCoExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCAFCoExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgCudaKernelExecConfig (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgCudaKernelExecConfig ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLambdaRefExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLambdaRefExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDictionaryExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDictionaryExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgKeyDatumPair (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgKeyDatumPair ()
std::string stringifyE_SgComprehension (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgComprehension ()
std::string stringifyE_SgListComprehension (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgListComprehension ()
std::string stringifyE_SgSetComprehension (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgSetComprehension ()
std::string stringifyE_SgDictionaryComprehension (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgDictionaryComprehension ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNaryBooleanOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNaryBooleanOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNaryComparisonOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNaryComparisonOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNaryOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNaryOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgStringConversion (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgStringConversion ()
std::string stringifyE_SgYieldExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgYieldExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAlignOfOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAlignOfOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRangeExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRangeExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterRefExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionParameterRefExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLambdaExp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLambdaExp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNoexceptOp (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNoexceptOp ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFoldExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFoldExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAwaitExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAwaitExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgChooseExpression (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgChooseExpression ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNonrealSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNonrealSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateMemberFunctionSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateMemberFunctionSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgMemberFunctionSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateFunctionSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgRenameSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgRenameSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgFunctionSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgFunctionSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateClassSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateClassSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgClassSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgClassSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgEnumSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgEnumSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTemplateTypedefSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTemplateTypedefSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgTypedefSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgTypedefSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgLabelSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgLabelSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgNamespaceSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgNamespaceSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgModuleSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgModuleSymbol ()
std::string stringifyE_SgAliasSymbol (int64_t n, const char *strip=NULL, bool canonic=false)
const std::vector< int64_t > & stringifyE_SgAliasSymbol ()
int containsString (const std::string &masterString, const std::string &targetString)
std::string getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode (const SgNode *astNode)
std::string getFileName (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
int getLineNumber (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
int getColumnNumber (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
bool isPartOfTransformation (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
ROSE_DLL_API std::string getWorkingDirectory ()
ROSE_DLL_API std::string getSourceDirectory (std::string fileNameWithPath)
 get the current directory
std::string getFileNameWithoutPath (SgStatement *statementPointer)
 get the sourceDirectory directory
ROSE_DLL_API std::string utility_stripPathFromFileName (const std::string &fileNameWithPath)
ROSE_DLL_API std::string getPathFromFileName (std::string fileNameWithPath)
 get the filename from the full filename
SgName concatenate (const SgName &X, const SgName &Y)
 get the path from the full filename
ROSE_DLL_API void usage (int status)
void filterInputFile (const std::string inputFileName, const std::string outputFileName)
SgStatementgetPreviousStatement (SgStatement *targetStatement, bool climbOutScope=true)
 Functions to move to SgStatement object in SAGE III later.
SgStatementgetNextStatement (SgStatement *targetStatement)
void initDiagnostics ()


std::vector< std::string > PluginLibs
std::vector< std::string > PluginActions
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > PluginArgs
ROSE_DLL_API Options global_options
std::map< int, std::map< SgNode *, TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping * > * > tokenSubsequenceMapOfMaps
std::map< SgSourceFile *, std::map< SgNode *, TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping * > * > tokenSubsequenceMapOfMapsBySourceFile
std::map< int, std::map< SgStatement *, FrontierNode * > * > frontierNodesMapOfMaps
std::map< int, std::map< SgNode *, PreviousAndNextNodeData * > * > previousAndNextNodeMapOfMaps
std::map< int, std::multimap< int, SgStatement * > * > redundantlyMappedTokensToStatementMapOfMultimaps
std::map< int, std::set< int > * > redundantTokenEndingsMapOfSets
std::map< int, std::map< SgScopeStatement *, SgStatement * > * > representativeWhitespaceStatementMapOfMaps
std::map< int, std::map< SgStatement *, MacroExpansion * > * > macroExpansionMapOfMaps
std::map< std::string, SgIncludeFile * > includeFileMapForUnparsing
Sawyer::Message::Facility ir_node_mlog
bool is_C_language
bool is_OpenMP_language
bool is_UPC_language
bool is_UPC_dynamic_threads
bool is_C99_language
bool is_Cxx_language
bool is_Fortran_language
bool is_CAF_language
bool is_Cuda_language
bool is_OpenCL_language

Function Documentation


const size_t Rose::UNLIMITED ( static_cast< size_t >  -1)

Effictively unlimited size.

This is used, among other places, as a default argument for functions that limit the size of their return value in some way. Use this instead of "(size_t)(-1)" for better self-documenting code.


const size_t Rose::INVALID_INDEX ( static_cast< size_t >  -1)

Invalid array index.

This is used to represent lack of a valid array index. Use this instead of "(size_t)(-1)" for better self-documenting code.

◆ initialize()

ROSE_DLL_API void Rose::initialize ( const char *  configToken)

Initialize the library.

This function serves two purposes:

  • Certain dependent libraries have initialization functions and that need to be invoked before any of their other functions are called. Rather than (re)invoke their initializer every time one of those functions is called, we can move their initializers into this one ROSE initializer. This also ensures that dependent libraries are initialized in the correct order since C++ provides no standard way to do this.
  • If the caller of ROSE functions (e.g., the user's program that uses the ROSE library) is compiled with one version of ROSE header files but the ROSE library was compiled with a different version this can result in runtime errors that are very difficult to track down. The same is true for any other C++ library that has functions whose ABI includes passing copies of or references to objects. Therefore, this initializer takes an argument which is a compile-time token from header files used by the user and compares it with the token compiled into the library. This checking can be disabled by passing nullptr as the argument.

This function should be called before any other ROSE library functions, although it is called implicitly by some common functions like frontend. It can be called more than once–subsequent calls do nothing. If called concurrently by more than one thread, then one thread performs the initialization while the others block until it completes.

The configToken argument is normally the C preprocessor macro ROSE_CONFIG_TOKEN, which should be treated as a black box. Passing a null pointer bypasses the configuration and version checking but still initializes the ROSE library and its dependencies. If the configuration and version checking (see checkConfigToken) detects an inconsistency then an error message is emitted and a std::runtime_error is thrown.

Example usage:

#include <rose.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

ROSE developers: If you want to have initialize (specifically, checkConfigToken) check for consistency in some configuration property then modify the autoconf files ($ROSE/config directory) or CMakeLists.txt files to append to the ROSE_CONFIG_TOKEN shell variable or CMake variable, respectively. This variable holds the string that will eventually become the expansion value of the ROSE_CONFIG_TOKEN C preprocessor macro. There is no need for the autoconf string to be character-for-character identical with the cmake string, although they should check for the same kinds of things just for consistency.

See also, isInitialized and checkConfigToken. The ROSE_INITIALIZE C preprocessor-defined symbol expands to Rose::initialize(ROSE_CONFIG_TOKEN) but might be easier to remember.

◆ isInitialized()

ROSE_DLL_API bool Rose::isInitialized ( )

Checks whether the library has been initialized.

Returns true if the library initialization step has been completed, false if it hasn't started. If this is called when some other thread is initializing the library it blocks until the initialization has been completed and then returns true. Note that the notion of "when some other thread is initializing the library" is defined as beginning when that other thread enters the initialization critical section and ends when it leaves the critical section, which doesn't coincide exactly with the call to and return from initialize.

◆ checkConfigToken()

ROSE_DLL_API bool Rose::checkConfigToken ( const char *  configTokenToken)

Check the configuration token.

This function checks the supplied configuration token against the token compiled into the library and returns true if they match and false if they don't. See initialize.

◆ checkVersionNumber()

ROSE_DLL_API bool Rose::checkVersionNumber ( const std::string &  need)

Check ROSE version number.

Checks that the ROSE library version number is equal to or greater than the specified version string. Both version numbers are split at the "." characters and each part of the library version number is compared with the corresponding part of the need version number from left to right until an inequality is found. If the unequal library part is greater than the corresponding need part, then this function fails (returns false), otherwise it succeeds. Comparisons are numeric. If no inequality is found among the corresponding pairs, then this function returns true even if the version numbers have different numbers of parts.

For example, if the library version number is "1.2.3", this function returns true when need is "", "1", "1.0", "1.1", "1.2.0", "1.2.1", "1.2.2", "1.2.3", "", "", etc., and it returns false when need is "2", "1.3", "1.2.4", "", etc.

◆ make_range()

template<class T >
iterator_range<T> Rose::make_range ( x,

Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.

This provides a bit of syntactic sugar to make using sub-ranges in for loops a bit easier. Analogous to std::make_pair().

Definition at line 113 of file plugin.h.

◆ throwOnFailedAssertion()

ROSE_UTIL_API void Rose::throwOnFailedAssertion ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const std::string &  ,
const char *  ,
unsigned  ,
const char *   

Throws an exception for a failed assertion.

Throws FailedAssertion exception.

◆ failedAssertionBehavior() [1/2]

ROSE_UTIL_API void Rose::failedAssertionBehavior ( Sawyer::Assert::AssertFailureHandler  handler)

Property: behavior of failed assertions.

The property value can be abortOnFailedAssertion, exitOnFailedAsssertion, or throwOnFailedAssertion.

Setting the behavior to null will cause a default behavior to be used. The default behavior is chosen based on the ROSE configuration. The retrieved property will be null only if the property has never been set and the ROSE library has never been initialized; in this case, Sawyer::Assert macros abort for failed assertions.

◆ failedAssertionBehavior() [2/2]

Sawyer::Assert::AssertFailureHandler Rose::failedAssertionBehavior ( )

Property: behavior of failed assertions.

The property value can be abortOnFailedAssertion, exitOnFailedAsssertion, or throwOnFailedAssertion.

Setting the behavior to null will cause a default behavior to be used. The default behavior is chosen based on the ROSE configuration. The retrieved property will be null only if the property has never been set and the ROSE library has never been initialized; in this case, Sawyer::Assert macros abort for failed assertions.

Variable Documentation

◆ is_C_language

bool Rose::is_C_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 649 of file sageInterface.h.

References is_C_language.

Referenced by SageInterface::is_C_language().