Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Attributes | List of all members
SgProject Class Reference


This class represents a source project, with a list of SgFile objects and global information about the project (commandline details, AST merge options, etc.).

This IR nodes contains list of files, etc. after internal command-line processing. The original argc and argv are not modified and left in tact for processing by the ROSE translator. The SgProject node keeps a deep copy of the original argc and argv as an STL list of strings (representing the command-line arguments). Also, if ROSE and/or EDG specific command-line options are not wanted in the ROSE translator, they may be stripped from argc and argv, using the member functions:

  1. void stripRoseCommandLineOptions (int &argc, char **&argv), and\or
  2. void stripEdgCommandLineOptions (int &argc, char **&argv). These functions will modify the input argc and argv values.

Definition at line 24060 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

Inheritance diagram for SgProject:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SgProject:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  template_instantiation_enum {
  e_unknown = 0,
  e_default = 1,
  e_none = 2,
  e_used = 3,
  e_all = 4,
  e_local = 5,
enum  { static_variant = V_SgProject }
 static variant value
typedef SgSupport base_node_type
- Public Types inherited from SgSupport
enum  { static_variant = V_SgSupport }
 static variant value
typedef SgNode base_node_type
- Public Types inherited from SgNode
enum  { static_variant = V_SgNode }
 static variant value

Public Member Functions

virtual SgNodecopy (SgCopyHelp &help) const override
 This function clones the current IR node object recursively or not, depending on the argument. More...
 SgProject (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, bool frontendConstantFolding=false)
 The only useful constructors (constant folding in the frontend is false by default).
 SgProject (int argc, char **argv, bool frontendConstantFolding=false)
std::vector< std::string > parseCommandLine (std::vector< std::string > argv)
 Use of Saywer support for command line handling (work in progress).
Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup frontendAllSwitches ()
 Use of Saywer support for specification of ROSE specific command line switches (work in progress).
Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup backendAllSwitches ()
void processCommandLine (const std::vector< std::string > &argv)
 process command line and store options in the SgProject object. This options are used by parse und unparse.
void processCommandLine (int argc, char **argv)
int parse ()
 parse input file(s)
int parse (const std::vector< std::string > &argv)
 processes command line and parses all files. More...
int parse (int argc, char **argv)
 SgProject ()
 default constructor (not meant to be used) More...
 SgProject (const SgProject &project)
 Copy constructor (shallow copy, does not do deep copy of the AST)
int numberOfFiles () const
 Destructor. More...
int numberOfDirectories () const
 Total number of directories in the project.
SgFileget_file (int i) const ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
 Access function for retriving a SgFile object from the list stored internally This function is depricated and "operator[unsigned int]" should be used instead.
void set_file (SgFile &file) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
 Access function for putting a new SgFile object into the list stored internally This function is depricated and "get_fileList->push_back(SgFile*)" should be used instead.
SgFilePtrList get_files () const
 Intended for use with the -rose:keep_going commandline option. More...
SgFilePtrList get_files_with_errors () const
SgFilePtrList get_files_without_errors () const
SgFileoperator[] (unsigned int i)
 Access function for retriving a SgFile object from the list stored internally.
SgFileoperator[] (std::string filename)
 Access function for retriving a SgFile object from the list stored internally, but using the filename with full path.
void unparse (UnparseFormatHelp *unparseFormatHelp=NULL, UnparseDelegate *unparseDelegate=NULL)
 function to generate output for all files in the project (arguments control code generation)
void resetSourcePositionToGeneratedCode (UnparseFormatHelp *unparseFormatHelp=NULL)
int compileOutput ()
 function to compile the output from unparsing the project
int RunFrontend ()
int link (std::string linkerName)
 function to preform linking!
int link (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, std::string linkerName)
 function to preform linking!
Rose_STL_Container< std::string > getAbsolutePathFileNames () const
 Save the command line arguments (argc and argv) for the project (these are needed to process transformations) More...
bool get_skip_translation_from_edg_ast_to_rose_ast (void) const
bool get_skip_transformation (void) const
bool get_skip_unparse (void) const
bool get_useBackendOnly (void) const
bool get_exit_after_parser (void) const
bool get_skipfinalCompileStep (void) const
void set_C_only (bool value)
bool get_C_only (void) const
bool get_C89_only (void) const
bool get_C89_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_C90_only (void) const
bool get_C90_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_C99_only (void) const
 This controls the c99 mode in the frontend.
bool get_C99_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_C11_only (void) const
bool get_C11_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_C14_only (void) const
bool get_C14_gnu_only (void) const
void set_Cxx_only (bool value)
bool get_Cxx_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx98_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx98_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx03_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx03_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx11_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx11_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx14_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx14_gnu_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx17_only (void) const
bool get_Cxx17_gnu_only (void) const
void set_Fortran_only (bool value)
bool get_Fortran_only (void) const
bool get_F77_only (void) const
bool get_F90_only (void) const
bool get_F95_only (void) const
bool get_F2003_only (void) const
bool get_F2008_only (void) const
bool get_F2018_only (void) const
bool get_CoArrayFortran_only (void) const
std::list< std::string > get_Java_classpath (void) const
void set_Java_classpath (std::list< std::string > param)
std::list< std::string > get_Java_sourcepath (void) const
void set_Java_sourcepath (std::list< std::string > param)
std::string get_Java_destdir (void) const
void set_Java_destdir (std::string param)
std::string get_Java_source_destdir (void) const
void set_Java_source_destdir (std::string param)
void display (const std::string &label) const
void initialization ()
virtual void fixupCopy (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const
void skipfinalCompileStep (bool value)
SgStringList & get_includePathList ()
const SgStringList & get_includePathList () const
void set_includePathList (const SgStringList &includePathList)
SgStringList & get_excludePathList ()
const SgStringList & get_excludePathList () const
void set_excludePathList (const SgStringList &excludePathList)
SgStringList & get_includeFileList ()
const SgStringList & get_includeFileList () const
void set_includeFileList (const SgStringList &includeFileList)
SgStringList & get_excludeFileList ()
const SgStringList & get_excludeFileList () const
void set_excludeFileList (const SgStringList &excludeFileList)
std::string findIncludedFile (PreprocessingInfo *preprocessingInfo)
int get_detect_dangling_pointers (void) const
SgFilePtrList & get_fileList () const
void set_fileList (SgFilePtrList &fileList)
bool get_unparse_tokens (void) const
virtual void addNewAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) override
 Add a new attribute represented by the named string.
virtual AstAttributegetAttribute (std::string s) const override
 Returns attribute of name 's'.
virtual void updateAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) override
 Replace existing attribute of name 's' with new AstAttribute.
virtual void setAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) override
 This is a wrapper function with the following semantics: if no attribute of name 's' exists then addNewAttribute(s,a); is called, otherwise updateAttribute(s,a); is called.
virtual void removeAttribute (std::string s) override
 Remove attribute of name 's' if present.
virtual bool attributeExists (std::string s) const override
 Tests if attribute of name 's' is present.
virtual int numberOfAttributes () const override
 Returns the number of attributes on this IR node.
virtual std::string class_name () const override
 returns a string representing the class name
virtual VariantT variantT () const override
 returns new style SageIII enum values
void * operator new (size_t size)
 returns pointer to newly allocated IR node
void operator delete (void *pointer, size_t size)
 deallocated memory for IR node (returns memory to memory pool for reuse)
void operator delete (void *pointer)
virtual std::vector< SgNode * > get_traversalSuccessorContainer () override
 container of pointers to AST successor nodes used in the traversal overridden in every class by generated implementation
virtual std::vector< std::string > get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer () override
 container of names of variables or container indices used used in the traversal to access AST successor nodes overridden in every class by generated implementation
virtual size_t get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors () override
 return number of children in the traversal successor list
virtual SgNodeget_traversalSuccessorByIndex (size_t idx) override
 index-based access to traversal successors by index number
virtual size_t get_childIndex (SgNode *child) override
 index-based access to traversal successors by child node
virtual RTIReturnType roseRTI () override
 return C++ Runtime-Time-Information
virtual const char * sage_class_name () const override ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
void executeVisitorMemberFunction (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
virtual void accept (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) override
 support for the classic visitor pattern done in GoF
virtual bool isInMemoryPool () override
 FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. More...
virtual void checkDataMemberPointersIfInMemoryPool () override
 FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. More...
virtual std::vector< std::pair< SgNode *, std::string > > returnDataMemberPointers () const override
 FOR INTERNAL USE Returns STL vector of pairs of SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools More...
virtual void processDataMemberReferenceToPointers (ReferenceToPointerHandler *) override
 FOR INTERNAL USE Processes pairs of references to SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools More...
virtual long getChildIndex (SgNode *childNode) const override
 FOR INTERNAL USE Returns a unique index value for the childNode in the list of children at this IR node. More...
 SgProject (const SgProjectStorageClass &source)
 IR node constructor to support AST File I/O.
SgProjectaddRegExpAttribute (std::string s, AstRegExAttribute *a)
 Support for AST matching using regular expression. More...
SgFileListget_fileList_ptr () const
void set_fileList_ptr (SgFileList *fileList_ptr)
SgStringList get_originalCommandLineArgumentList () const
 Returns a list of strings representing the original command-line.
void set_originalCommandLineArgumentList (SgStringList originalCommandLineArgumentList)
 Sets the list of strings representing the original command-line.
int get_frontendErrorCode () const
void set_frontendErrorCode (int frontendErrorCode)
int get_javacErrorCode () const
void set_javacErrorCode (int javacErrorCode)
int get_ecjErrorCode () const
void set_ecjErrorCode (int ecjErrorCode)
int get_midendErrorCode () const
void set_midendErrorCode (int midendErrorCode)
int get_backendErrorCode () const
void set_backendErrorCode (int backendErrorCode)
bool get_keep_going () const
void set_keep_going (bool keep_going)
bool get_unparser__clobber_input_file () const
void set_unparser__clobber_input_file (bool unparser__clobber_input_file)
std::string get_outputFileName () const
void set_outputFileName (std::string outputFileName)
const SgStringList & get_sourceFileNameList () const
SgStringList & get_sourceFileNameList ()
const SgStringList & get_objectFileNameList () const
SgStringList & get_objectFileNameList ()
const SgStringList & get_libraryFileList () const
SgStringList & get_libraryFileList ()
const SgStringList & get_librarySpecifierList () const
SgStringList & get_librarySpecifierList ()
const SgStringList & get_libraryDirectorySpecifierList () const
SgStringList & get_libraryDirectorySpecifierList ()
const SgStringList & get_includeDirectorySpecifierList () const
SgStringList & get_includeDirectorySpecifierList ()
const SgStringList & get_macroSpecifierList () const
SgStringList & get_macroSpecifierList ()
const SgStringList & get_preincludeFileList () const
SgStringList & get_preincludeFileList ()
const SgStringList & get_preincludeDirectoryList () const
SgStringList & get_preincludeDirectoryList ()
bool get_compileOnly () const
void set_compileOnly (bool compileOnly)
bool get_wave () const
void set_wave (bool wave)
bool get_prelink () const
void set_prelink (bool prelink)
SgProject::template_instantiation_enum get_template_instantiation_mode () const
void set_template_instantiation_mode (SgProject::template_instantiation_enum template_instantiation_mode)
bool get_ast_merge () const
void set_ast_merge (bool ast_merge)
std::string get_projectSpecificDatabaseFile () const
void set_projectSpecificDatabaseFile (std::string projectSpecificDatabaseFile)
bool get_C_PreprocessorOnly () const
void set_C_PreprocessorOnly (bool C_PreprocessorOnly)
AstAttributeMechanismget_attributeMechanism () const override
 FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; if an attribute exists then a pointer to it is returned, else error. More...
void set_attributeMechanism (AstAttributeMechanism *attributeMechanism) override
 FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; sets poiner to value AstAttributeMechanism. More...
std::string get_compilationPerformanceFile () const
void set_compilationPerformanceFile (std::string compilationPerformanceFile)
bool get_binary_only () const
void set_binary_only (bool binary_only)
SgDirectoryListget_directoryList () const
void set_directoryList (SgDirectoryList *directoryList)
std::list< std::string > get_Fortran_ofp_jvm_options () const
void set_Fortran_ofp_jvm_options (std::list< std::string > Fortran_ofp_jvm_options)
bool get_openmp_linking () const
void set_openmp_linking (bool openmp_linking)
std::list< std::string > get_Java_ecj_jvm_options () const
void set_Java_ecj_jvm_options (std::list< std::string > Java_ecj_jvm_options)
bool get_Java_batch_mode () const
void set_Java_batch_mode (bool Java_batch_mode)
bool get_addCppDirectivesToAST () const
void set_addCppDirectivesToAST (bool addCppDirectivesToAST)
std::map< std::string, std::set< PreprocessingInfo * > > get_includingPreprocessingInfosMap () const
void set_includingPreprocessingInfosMap (std::map< std::string, std::set< PreprocessingInfo * > > includingPreprocessingInfosMap)
std::list< std::string > get_quotedIncludesSearchPaths () const
void set_quotedIncludesSearchPaths (std::list< std::string > quotedIncludesSearchPaths)
std::list< std::string > get_bracketedIncludesSearchPaths () const
void set_bracketedIncludesSearchPaths (std::list< std::string > bracketedIncludesSearchPaths)
std::string get_unparseHeaderFilesRootFolder () const
void set_unparseHeaderFilesRootFolder (std::string unparseHeaderFilesRootFolder)
bool get_frontendConstantFolding () const
void set_frontendConstantFolding (bool frontendConstantFolding)
SgGlobalget_globalScopeAcrossFiles () const
void set_globalScopeAcrossFiles (SgGlobal *globalScopeAcrossFiles)
bool get_unparse_in_same_directory_as_input_file () const
void set_unparse_in_same_directory_as_input_file (bool unparse_in_same_directory_as_input_file)
bool get_stop_after_compilation_do_not_assemble_file () const
void set_stop_after_compilation_do_not_assemble_file (bool stop_after_compilation_do_not_assemble_file)
std::string get_gnuOptionForUndefinedSymbol () const
void set_gnuOptionForUndefinedSymbol (std::string gnuOptionForUndefinedSymbol)
bool get_mode_32_bit () const
void set_mode_32_bit (bool mode_32_bit)
bool get_noclobber_output_file () const
void set_noclobber_output_file (bool noclobber_output_file)
bool get_noclobber_if_different_output_file () const
void set_noclobber_if_different_output_file (bool noclobber_if_different_output_file)
bool get_suppressConstantFoldingPostProcessing () const
void set_suppressConstantFoldingPostProcessing (bool suppressConstantFoldingPostProcessing)
bool get_appendPID () const
void set_appendPID (bool appendPID)
bool get_reportOnHeaderFileUnparsing () const
void set_reportOnHeaderFileUnparsing (bool reportOnHeaderFileUnparsing)
std::string get_applicationRootDirectory () const
void set_applicationRootDirectory (std::string applicationRootDirectory)
bool get_usingApplicationRootDirectory () const
void set_usingApplicationRootDirectory (bool usingApplicationRootDirectory)
bool get_usingDeferredTransformations () const
void set_usingDeferredTransformations (bool usingDeferredTransformations)
std::string get_astfile_out () const
void set_astfile_out (std::string astfile_out)
std::list< std::string > get_astfiles_in () const
void set_astfiles_in (std::list< std::string > astfiles_in)
const SgStringList & get_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierBeforeList () const
SgStringList & get_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierBeforeList ()
const SgStringList & get_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierAfterList () const
SgStringList & get_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierAfterList ()
virtual ~SgProject ()
 This is the destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SgSupport
void * operator new (size_t size)
 returns pointer to newly allocated IR node
void operator delete (void *pointer, size_t size)
 deallocated memory for IR node (returns memory to memory pool for reuse)
void operator delete (void *pointer)
void executeVisitorMemberFunction (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
 SgSupport (const SgSupportStorageClass &source)
 IR node constructor to support AST File I/O.
SgSupportaddRegExpAttribute (std::string s, AstRegExAttribute *a)
 Support for AST matching using regular expression. More...
virtual ~SgSupport ()
 This is the destructor. More...
 SgSupport ()
 This is the constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SgNode
void * operator new (size_t size)
 returns pointer to newly allocated IR node
void operator delete (void *pointer, size_t size)
 deallocated memory for IR node (returns memory to memory pool for reuse)
void operator delete (void *pointer)
void executeVisitorMemberFunction (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
 SgNode (const SgNodeStorageClass &source)
 IR node constructor to support AST File I/O.
SgNodeaddRegExpAttribute (std::string s, AstRegExAttribute *a)
 Support for AST matching using regular expression. More...
void set_isModified (bool isModified)
 All nodes in the AST contain a isModified flag used to track changes to the AST. More...
void set_containsTransformation (bool containsTransformation)
 Many nodes can hide other AST nodes and we need to track when outer nodes contain modified nodes even if they are not themselves modified. More...
bool get_isModified () const
 Acess function for isModified flag. More...
bool get_containsTransformation () const
 Acess function for containsTransformation flag. More...
bool isChild (SgNode *node) const
 Query function for if the input IR nodes is a child of the current IR node.
virtual std::string unparseToString (SgUnparse_Info *info) const
 This function unparses the AST node (excluding comments and unnecessary white space)
std::string unparseToString () const
int variant () const ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
 Older version function returns enum value "NODE". More...
virtual Sg_File_Infoget_file_info (void) const
 File information containing filename, line number, column number, and if the SgNode is a part of a new transformation, etc.
virtual Sg_File_Infoget_startOfConstruct (void) const
 New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores starting location of contruct (typically the opening brace or first letter of keyword).
virtual Sg_File_Infoget_endOfConstruct (void) const
 New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores ending location of contruct (typically the closing brace).
VirtualCFG::CFGNode cfgForBeginning ()
 Returns the CFG node for just before this AST node.
VirtualCFG::CFGNode cfgForEnd ()
 Returns the CFG node for just after this AST node.
virtual unsigned int cfgIndexForEnd () const
 Determine the CFG index for the end of this construct.
virtual bool cfgIsIndexInteresting (unsigned int index) const
 Determine whether a particular CFG node index is "interesting" for this kind of node.
virtual unsigned int cfgFindChildIndex (SgNode *n)
 Find the index of n in this node's CFG children.
virtual unsigned int cfgFindNextChildIndex (SgNode *n)
 Find the index just after n in this node's CFG children.
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdgecfgOutEdges (unsigned int index=false)
 Find the out edges of a CFG node – internal version.
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdgecfgInEdges (unsigned int index=false)
 Find the in edges of a CFG node – internal version.
int numberOfNodesInSubtree ()
 Computes the number of nodes in the defined subtree of the AST. More...
int depthOfSubtree ()
 Computes the depth of the current defined subtree of the AST. More...
SgNodeget_freepointer () const
void set_freepointer (SgNode *freepointer)
virtual ~SgNode ()
 This is the destructor. More...
 SgNode ()
 This is the constructor. More...
void set_parent (SgNode *parent)
 All nodes in the AST contain a reference to a parent node. More...
SgNodeget_parent () const
 Access function for parent node. More...
std::string unparseToCompleteString ()
 This function unparses the AST node (including comments and white space) More...
bool get_isVisited () const ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
 DOCS IN HEADER: Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. More...
void set_isVisited (bool isVisited) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION
 Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static int get_verbose (void)
 DQ: Modified to accept a value on the command line (no longer a boolean variable) value of 0 means quiet and higher values output more information, default value is zero (quiet).
static void set_verbose (int)
static int get_unparseHeaderFilesDebug (void)
static void set_unparseHeaderFilesDebug (int)
static void deleteMemoryPool ()
static size_t numberOfNodes ()
 Returns the total number of IR nodes of this type.
static size_t memoryUsage ()
 Returns the size in bytes of the total memory allocated for all IR nodes of this type.
static void traverseMemoryPoolNodes (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern over all IR nodes by type of IR node.
static void traverseMemoryPoolVisitorPattern (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
static void visitRepresentativeNode (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for type-based traversal.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SgSupport
static void deleteMemoryPool ()
static size_t numberOfNodes ()
 Returns the total number of IR nodes of this type.
static size_t memoryUsage ()
 Returns the size in bytes of the total memory allocated for all IR nodes of this type.
static void traverseMemoryPoolNodes (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern over all IR nodes by type of IR node.
static void traverseMemoryPoolVisitorPattern (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
static void visitRepresentativeNode (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for type-based traversal.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SgNode
static void deleteMemoryPool ()
static size_t numberOfNodes ()
 Returns the total number of IR nodes of this type.
static size_t memoryUsage ()
 Returns the size in bytes of the total memory allocated for all IR nodes of this type.
static void traverseMemoryPoolNodes (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern over all IR nodes by type of IR node.
static void traverseMemoryPoolVisitorPattern (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern.
static void visitRepresentativeNode (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit)
 FOR INTERNAL USE Support for type-based traversal.
static std::vector< std::string > buildCommandLineToSubstituteTransformationFile (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, std::string newFileName)
 Command line support for this compilation The command line is saved as a static variable so that it will be available to support the rewrite mechanism. More...
static std::vector< VariantT > getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v)
static void getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v, std::vector< VariantT > &)
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & get_globalMangledNameMap ()
 Access function for performance optimizing global mangled name map. More...
static void clearGlobalMangledNameMap ()
 Support to clear the performance optimizing global mangled name map.
static std::map< std::string, int > & get_shortMangledNameCache ()
 Access function for lower level optimizing of global mangled name map. More...
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & get_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames ()
 Access function for name qualification support (for names). More...
static void set_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X)
 Access function for name qualification support (for names). More...
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes ()
 Access function for name qualification support (for type). More...
static void set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X)
 Access function for name qualification support (for type). More...
static std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > & get_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes ()
 Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). More...
static void set_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > &X)
 Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). More...
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders ()
 Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). More...
static void set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X)
 Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). More...
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & get_globalTypeNameMap ()
 Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). More...
static void set_globalTypeNameMap (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X)
 Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). More...
static SgFunctionTypeTableget_globalFunctionTypeTable ()
 Access function for symbol table specific to function types.
static void set_globalFunctionTypeTable (SgFunctionTypeTable *globalFunctionTypeTable)
 Access function for symbol table specific to function types.
static SgTypeTableget_globalTypeTable ()
 Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types.
static void set_globalTypeTable (SgTypeTable *globalTypeTable)
 Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types.
static VariantT variantFromPool (SgNode const *n)

Static Public Attributes

static int p_verbose
 global concept of verbose level which controls useful output from the compiler (values greater than zero increase output level) More...
static int p_unparseHeaderFilesDebug
 global concept of verbose level which controls useful output from the unparse headers feature (values greater than zero increase output level)

Protected Attributes

SgStringList p_originalCommandLineArgumentList
 Copy of original argc and argv command line passed to ROSE translator (converted to STL list of strings).
int p_frontendErrorCode
 Error code returned from EDG front-end processing.
int p_javacErrorCode
int p_ecjErrorCode
int p_midendErrorCode
int p_backendErrorCode
 Error code returnd from processing of generated source code using vendor compiler. More...
bool p_keep_going
bool p_unparser__clobber_input_file
std::string p_outputFileName
 Filename specific using "-o" option on command line. More...
SgStringList p_sourceFileNameList
 List of all source file names specified on the command line.
SgStringList p_objectFileNameList
 List of all object files specified on the command line.
SgStringList p_libraryFileList
 List of all libraries specified on command line. More...
SgStringList p_librarySpecifierList
 List of libraries specified using "-lxxx" syntax.
SgStringList p_libraryDirectorySpecifierList
 List of directories specified with "-L" option on command line.
SgStringList p_includeDirectorySpecifierList
 List of directories specified with "-I" option on command line.
SgStringList p_macroSpecifierList
SgStringList p_preincludeFileList
SgStringList p_preincludeDirectoryList
bool p_compileOnly
 This controls if we are to act as a linker (by calling the vendor compiler as a linker/prelinker). More...
bool p_wave
bool p_prelink
 This controls if we are to handle the prelink (not implemented).
SgProject::template_instantiation_enum p_template_instantiation_mode
 This controls the degree of template instantiation by ROSE. No template instantiation is required by ROSE if all template instantiation can be handled by the backend vendor C++ compiler.
bool p_ast_merge
std::string p_projectSpecificDatabaseFile
bool p_C_PreprocessorOnly
std::string p_compilationPerformanceFile
SgStringList p_includePathList
SgStringList p_excludePathList
SgStringList p_includeFileList
SgStringList p_excludeFileList
bool p_binary_only
bool p_C_only
bool p_Cxx_only
bool p_C11_only
bool p_Cxx0x_only
bool p_Cxx11_only
bool p_C14_only
bool p_Cxx14_only
bool p_Fortran_only
std::list< std::string > p_Fortran_ofp_jvm_options
bool p_openmp_linking
 This flag is used to indicate if OpenMP lowering is requested by the command line so linking to ROSE's OpenMP runtime library is needed. More...
std::list< std::string > p_Java_ecj_jvm_options
bool p_Java_batch_mode
std::list< std::string > p_Java_classpath
std::list< std::string > p_Java_sourcepath
std::string p_Java_destdir
std::string p_Java_source_destdir
bool p_addCppDirectivesToAST
std::map< std::string, std::set< PreprocessingInfo * > > p_includingPreprocessingInfosMap
std::list< std::string > p_quotedIncludesSearchPaths
std::list< std::string > p_bracketedIncludesSearchPaths
std::string p_unparseHeaderFilesRootFolder
bool p_frontendConstantFolding
bool p_unparse_in_same_directory_as_input_file
bool p_stop_after_compilation_do_not_assemble_file
std::string p_gnuOptionForUndefinedSymbol
bool p_mode_32_bit
bool p_noclobber_output_file
bool p_noclobber_if_different_output_file
bool p_suppressConstantFoldingPostProcessing
bool p_appendPID
bool p_reportOnHeaderFileUnparsing
std::string p_applicationRootDirectory
bool p_usingApplicationRootDirectory
bool p_usingDeferredTransformations
std::string p_astfile_out
std::list< std::string > p_astfiles_in
SgStringList p_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierBeforeList
SgStringList p_extraIncludeDirectorySpecifierAfterList
- Protected Attributes inherited from SgNode
 This is the pointer to the parent IR node in the AST. More...
bool p_isModified
 Records if IR node has been modified (data members reset). More...
bool p_containsTransformation
 This is the pointer to the chain of previously freed objects.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SgNode
virtual void post_construction_initialization ()
 Final initialization for constructors This function is called at the end of generated constructors to allow the specification writer to add special initialization functions or tests. Default is to do nothing. Otherwise it should be overridden in the spec file, in NewHeaderCode/NewOutlinedCode.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SgNode
static std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned char *, unsigned, VariantT > > all_pools
static SgFunctionTypeTablep_globalFunctionTypeTable
 Pointer to symbol table specific to function types.
static SgTypeTablep_globalTypeTable
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > p_globalMangledNameMap
 Cache of mangled names to avoid regeneration of previously build mangled names or parts of mangled names. This is a performance optimization.
static std::map< std::string, int > p_shortMangledNameCache
 STL map used as a cache to shorten generated mangled names. This is mostly a space optimization ofr mangled names of templates.
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > p_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > p_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > p_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > p_globalTypeNameMap
static std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > p_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ template_instantiation_enum

Template Instantiation Options


error value


default value


no template instantiation


instantiate only templates that are used


instantiate all possible templates


instantiate only used templates and instantiate them as local entities


last value (used for error checking)

Definition at line 24074 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SgProject()

SgProject::SgProject ( )

default constructor (not meant to be used)

This is the constructor.

This constructor builds the SgProject base class.

See also
Example:create an SgProject object

◆ ~SgProject()

SgProject::~SgProject ( )

This is the destructor.

There is nothing to delete in this object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ copy()

virtual SgNode* SgProject::copy ( SgCopyHelp help) const

This function clones the current IR node object recursively or not, depending on the argument.

This function performs a copy based on the specification of the input parameter. The input parameter is used to determin which data members are copied by reference and which are copied by value.

help- If this argument is of type SgTreeCopy, then the IR node is cloned recursively. If its of type SgShallowCopy only the first level of the IR node is copied, everything else is left pointing to the the original IR node's object's data members.
a pointer to the new clone.

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ parse()

int SgProject::parse ( const std::vector< std::string > &  argv)

processes command line and parses all files.

Error code can be accessed using get_frontendErrorCode()

◆ numberOfFiles()

int SgProject::numberOfFiles ( ) const


The total number of files in this project (equal to the number of source files specified on the command line)

◆ get_files()

SgFilePtrList SgProject::get_files ( ) const

Intended for use with the -rose:keep_going commandline option.

A list of files that encountered an error within either the frontend, unparser, or backend compilation.

◆ getAbsolutePathFileNames()

Rose_STL_Container<std::string> SgProject::getAbsolutePathFileNames ( ) const

Save the command line arguments (argc and argv) for the project (these are needed to process transformations)

This function generates a list of files resolved to absolute paths (symbolic links should not be resolved).

◆ sage_class_name()

virtual const char* SgProject::sage_class_name ( ) const

returns a C style string (char*) representing the class name

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ isInMemoryPool()

virtual bool SgProject::isInMemoryPool ( )

FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap.

The AST File I/O depends upon the allocation of IR nodes being from the heap, stack based or global IR nodes should not appear in the AST if it will be written out to a file and read back in. To enforce this concept, this function implements a test to verify that the IR node can be found on the heap and is part of a larger test of the whole AST. This test must pass before the AST can be written out to a file. This is part of a compromise in the design of the AST File I/O to support binary streaming of data to files; for performance. It is also rather difficult, but possible, to build a useful AST with IR nodes allocated on the stack or frm global scope, this test filters out such cased from being used with the AST File I/O mechanism.

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ checkDataMemberPointersIfInMemoryPool()

virtual void SgProject::checkDataMemberPointersIfInMemoryPool ( )

FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap.

The AST File I/O depends upon the allocation of IR nodes being from the heap, stack based or global IR nodes should not appear in the AST if it will be written out to a file and read back in. To enforce this concept, this function implements a test to verify that the IR node can be found on the heap and is part of a larger test of the whole AST. This test must pass before the AST can be written out to a file. This is part of a compromise in the design of the AST File I/O to support binary streaming of data to files; for performance. It is also rather difficult, but possible, to build a useful AST with IR nodes allocated on the stack or frm global scope, this test filters out such cased from being used with the AST File I/O mechanism.

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ returnDataMemberPointers()

virtual std::vector<std::pair<SgNode*,std::string> > SgProject::returnDataMemberPointers ( ) const

FOR INTERNAL USE Returns STL vector of pairs of SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools

This functions is part of general support for many possible tools to operate on the AST. The forms a list of ALL IR node pointers used by each IR node, and is a supperset of the get_traversalSuccessorContainer(). It is (I think) less than the set of pointers used by the AST file I/O. This is part of work implemented by Andreas, and support tools such as the AST graph generation.

This function can return unexpected data members and thus the order and the number of elements is unpredicable and subject to change.
STL vector of pairs of SgNode* and strings

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ processDataMemberReferenceToPointers()

virtual void SgProject::processDataMemberReferenceToPointers ( ReferenceToPointerHandler *  )

FOR INTERNAL USE Processes pairs of references to SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools

This functions similar to returnDataMemberPointers() except that it passes references to a handler object. As a result there is FAR more damage that can be done by using this function, but it is type-safe. This is provided for support of internal tools that operate on the AST, e.g the AST Merge mechanism.

This function can return unexpected data members and thus the order and the number of elements is unpredicable and subject to change.

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ getChildIndex()

virtual long SgProject::getChildIndex ( SgNode childNode) const

FOR INTERNAL USE Returns a unique index value for the childNode in the list of children at this IR node.

This function returns a unique value for the input childNode in set of children at this IR node. Note that a negative value indicates that the input node is not a child. This is the basis for the implementation of the isChild(SgNode*) member function. Data members that are NULL in the IR node are counted internally (so that this function returns value that could be statically defined, and so are not dynamically determined).

The mapping on children to integer values could change from release to release of ROSE.

Reimplemented from SgSupport.

◆ addRegExpAttribute()

SgProject* SgProject::addRegExpAttribute ( std::string  s,
AstRegExAttribute a 

Support for AST matching using regular expression.

This support is incomplete and the subject of current research to define RegEx trees to support inexact matching.

◆ get_attributeMechanism()

AstAttributeMechanism * SgProject::get_attributeMechanism ( ) const

FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; if an attribute exists then a pointer to it is returned, else error.

This is an access function used for getting the interally held pointer to a valid AstAttributeMechanism. It provides access to lower level functionality of the AstAttributeMechanism, put is mostly of use to internal tools.

Reimplemented from SgNode.

◆ set_attributeMechanism()

void SgProject::set_attributeMechanism ( AstAttributeMechanism a)

FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; sets poiner to value AstAttributeMechanism.

This is an access function used for setting the interally held pointer to a valid AstAttributeMechanism.

Reimplemented from SgNode.

Member Data Documentation

◆ p_verbose


global concept of verbose level which controls useful output from the compiler (values greater than zero increase output level)

This is the level of verbosity assumed to apply to the whole project (all AST processing).

Definition at line 24191 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

◆ p_backendErrorCode


Error code returnd from processing of generated source code using vendor compiler.

This value should be passed back out of the main() function by the user translator (for support of makefile processing).

Definition at line 25037 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

◆ p_outputFileName


Filename specific using "-o" option on command line.

Set as part of normal command line processing within ROSE.

Definition at line 25049 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

◆ p_libraryFileList


List of all libraries specified on command line.

List all libraries specified using ".a" or ".so" syntax.

Definition at line 25061 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

◆ p_compileOnly


This controls if we are to act as a linker (by calling the vendor compiler as a linker/prelinker).

The value of p_compileOnly is true if "-c" appears on the command line and is false if not.

Definition at line 25089 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

◆ p_openmp_linking


This flag is used to indicate if OpenMP lowering is requested by the command line so linking to ROSE's OpenMP runtime library is needed.

This flag is set to be false by default. "-rose:openmp:lowering" triggers this flag to be set to true. SgFile::p_openmp_lowering will not be sufficient since there is no SgFile in the AST when a ROSE translator is used as a linker wrapper. So we have to have a project level flag to indicate the need. Using a flag like SgProject::p_OpenMP_Only won't be sufficient neither since OpenMP input files can be handled in three different ways in ROSE: 1) parsing only 2) generating dedicated AST 3) actual OpenMP lowering Only the one with lowering will need special linking support to connect to libxomp.a and pthreads.

Definition at line 25185 of file Cxx_Grammar.h.

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