1.1. Examples Organization#

This document includes examples of the OpenMP API directives, constructs, and routines.

Each example is labeled as ename.seqno.ext , where ename is the example name, seqno is the sequence number in a section, and ext is the source file extension to indicate the code type and source form. ext is one of the following:

  • c - C code,

  • cpp - C++ code,

  • f - Fortran code in fixed form, and

  • f90 - Fortran code in free form.

Some of the example labels may include version information (omp_verno) to indicate features that are illustrated by an example for a specific OpenMP version, such as ” scan.1.c (omp_5.0).’’


A statement following a directive is compound only when necessary, and a non-compound statement is indented with respect to a directive preceding it.