Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Sawyer Namespace Reference


Name space for the entire library.

All Sawyer functionality except for some C preprocessor macros exists inside this namespace. Most of the macros begin with the string "SAWYER_".


 Run-time logic assertions.
 Attributes attached to other objects.
 Boost Graph Library API for Sawyer::Container::Boost.
 Parses program command line switches and arguments.
 Container classes that store user-defined values.
 Documentation-related entities.
 File system utilities.
 Formatted diagnostic messages emitted to various backends.
 Global settings for progress bars.
 Tree data structure.
 Data types.


class  BitFlags
 Stores a vector of enum bit flags. More...
class  Cached
 Implements cache data members. More...
class  Callbacks
class  DefaultAllocator
 Default allocator. More...
class  Error
 Error value. More...
class  Error< char[N]>
struct  is_invocable
class  LockGuard2
 Locks multiple mutexes. More...
class  LockGuard2< NullMutex >
class  MultiInstanceTls
 Thread local data per object instance. More...
struct  MultiThreadedTag
 Tag indicating that an algorithm or API should assume multiple threads. More...
class  Nothing
 Represents no value. More...
class  NullBarrier
class  NullLockGuard
class  NullMutex
class  Ok
 Success value. More...
class  Ok< char[N]>
class  Optional
 Holds a value or nothing. More...
class  PoolAllocatorBase
 Small object allocation from memory pools. More...
class  ProgressBar
 Progress bars. More...
class  ProgressBarImpl
class  ProxyAllocator
 Allocator proxy. More...
class  Result
 Result containing a value or an error. More...
class  SharedFromThis
 Creates SharedPointer from this. More...
class  SharedObject
 Base class for reference counted objects. More...
class  SharedPointer
 Reference-counting intrusive smart pointer. More...
struct  SingleThreadedTag
 Tag indicating that an algorithm or API can assume only a single thread. More...
class  SmallObject
 Small object support. More...
class  StackAllocator
 Stack-like allocator. More...
class  Stopwatch
 Simple elapsed time. More...
struct  SynchronizationTraits
 Traits for thread synchronization. More...
struct  SynchronizationTraits< MultiThreadedTag >
struct  SynchronizationTraits< SingleThreadedTag >
class  TemporaryCallback
class  ThreadWorkers
 Work list with dependencies. More...
class  WorkFifo
 First-in-first-out work queue. More...


typedef PoolAllocatorBase< sizeof(void *), 4, 32, 40960, SingleThreadedTagUnsynchronizedPoolAllocator
 Small object allocation from memory pools. More...
typedef PoolAllocatorBase< sizeof(void *), 4, 32, 40960, MultiThreadedTagSynchronizedPoolAllocator
 Small object allocation from memory pools. More...


template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (const Optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (const Optional< T > &lhs, const U &rhs)
bool initializeLibrary (size_t vmajor=0, size_t vminor=1, size_t vpatch=0, bool withThreads=0)
 Explicitly initialize the library. More...
boost::int64_t strtoll (const char *, char **, int)
 Portable replacement for strtoll. More...
boost::uint64_t strtoull (const char *, char **, int)
 Portable replacement for strtoull. More...
std::string readOneLine (FILE *)
 Reads one line of input from a file. More...
FILE * popen (const std::string &, const char *how)
 Semi-portable replacement for popen.
int pclose (FILE *)
 Semi-portable replacement for pclose.
std::string generateSequentialName (size_t length=3)
 Generate a sequential name. More...
void checkBoost ()
 Check for valid boost version or abort.
std::string thisExecutableName ()
 Return the name of this program obtained from the operating system.
template<class Pointer >
Pointer::Pointee * getRawPointer (Pointer &ptr)
template<class T >
void clear (SharedPointer< T > &ptr)
 Make pointer point to nothing. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Stopwatch &)
Sawyer::SynchronizationTraits< Sawyer::SingleThreadedTag >::RecursiveMutex & bigMutex ()
size_t fastRandomIndex (size_t n, size_t seed=0)
 Thread-safe random number generator. More...
template<class WorkItems , class Functor >
void processWorkList (WorkItems &workList, size_t maxWorkers, Functor f)
 Process work from a work list in parallel. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ UnsynchronizedPoolAllocator

Small object allocation from memory pools.

Thread safety: This allocator is not thread safe; the caller must synchronize to prevent concurrent calls.

See PoolAllocatorBase for details.

Definition at line 514 of file PoolAllocator.h.

◆ SynchronizedPoolAllocator

Small object allocation from memory pools.

Thread safety: This allocator is thread safe.

See PoolAllocatorBase for details.

Definition at line 521 of file PoolAllocator.h.

Function Documentation

◆ initializeLibrary()

bool Sawyer::initializeLibrary ( size_t  vmajor = 0,
size_t  vminor = 1,
size_t  vpatch = 0,
bool  withThreads = 0 

Explicitly initialize the library.

This initializes any global objects provided by the library to users. This happens automatically for many API calls, but sometimes needs to be called explicitly. It can be called as often as desired; each call checks caller-callee consistency (version number and configuration), but only the first call does any initialization. The function always returns true.

Referenced by Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup::SwitchGroup().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ strtoll()

boost::int64_t Sawyer::strtoll ( const char *  ,
char **  ,

Portable replacement for strtoll.

Microsoft doesn't define this function, so we define it in the Sawyer namespace.

◆ strtoull()

boost::uint64_t Sawyer::strtoull ( const char *  ,
char **  ,

Portable replacement for strtoull.

Microsoft doesn't define this function, so we define it in the Sawyer namespace.

◆ readOneLine()

std::string Sawyer::readOneLine ( FILE *  )

Reads one line of input from a file.

Returns one line, including any line termination. Returns an empty string at the end of the file.

◆ generateSequentialName()

std::string Sawyer::generateSequentialName ( size_t  length = 3)

Generate a sequential name.

A new string is generated each time this is called.

◆ clear()

template<class T >
void Sawyer::clear ( SharedPointer< T > &  ptr)

Make pointer point to nothing.

Clears the pointer so it points to no object. A cleared pointer is like a default-constructed pointer.

Definition at line 325 of file SharedPointer.h.

◆ fastRandomIndex()

size_t Sawyer::fastRandomIndex ( size_t  n,
size_t  seed = 0 

Thread-safe random number generator.

Generates uniformly distributed pseudo-random size_t values. The returned value is greater than zero and less than n, where n must be greater than zero except when seeding the sequence. To seed the sequence, call with n equal to zero and a non-zero seed; all other calls must supply a zero seed value. This function uses the fastest available method for returning random numbers in a multi-threaded environment. This function is thread-safe.

Referenced by Rose::Combinatorics::shuffle().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ workInParallel() [1/2]

template<class DependencyGraph , class Functor >
void Sawyer::workInParallel ( const DependencyGraph &  dependencies,
size_t  nWorkers,
Functor  functor 

Performs work in parallel.

Creates up to the specified number of worker threads to run the tasks described in the dependencies graph (at least one thread, but not more than the number of items on which to work). The dependencies is a graph whose vertices represent individual tasks to be performed by worker threads, and whose edges represent dependencies between the task. An edge from task a to task b means that task b must complete before task a can begin. If the dependencies graph contains cycles then as much work as possible is performed and then a ContainsCycle exception is thrown.

The functor can be a class with operator(), a function pointer, or a lambda expression. If a class is used, it must be copyable and each worker thread will be given its own copy. The functor is invoked with two arguments: the ID number of the task being processed, and a reference to a copy of the task (vertex value) in the dependency graph. The ID number is the vertex ID number in the dependencies graph.

If a monitor is provided, it will be called once every period milliseconds with the following arguments: the dependencies graph, number of work items that have been completed, and the set of dependencies vertex IDs (std::set<size_t>) that are currently running.

The call does not return until all work has been completed.

Definition at line 316 of file ThreadWorkers.h.

◆ workInParallel() [2/2]

template<class DependencyGraph , class Functor , class Monitor >
void Sawyer::workInParallel ( const DependencyGraph &  dependencies,
size_t  nWorkers,
Functor  functor,
Monitor  monitor,
boost::chrono::milliseconds  period 

Performs work in parallel.

Creates up to the specified number of worker threads to run the tasks described in the dependencies graph (at least one thread, but not more than the number of items on which to work). The dependencies is a graph whose vertices represent individual tasks to be performed by worker threads, and whose edges represent dependencies between the task. An edge from task a to task b means that task b must complete before task a can begin. If the dependencies graph contains cycles then as much work as possible is performed and then a ContainsCycle exception is thrown.

The functor can be a class with operator(), a function pointer, or a lambda expression. If a class is used, it must be copyable and each worker thread will be given its own copy. The functor is invoked with two arguments: the ID number of the task being processed, and a reference to a copy of the task (vertex value) in the dependency graph. The ID number is the vertex ID number in the dependencies graph.

If a monitor is provided, it will be called once every period milliseconds with the following arguments: the dependencies graph, number of work items that have been completed, and the set of dependencies vertex IDs (std::set<size_t>) that are currently running.

The call does not return until all work has been completed.

Definition at line 323 of file ThreadWorkers.h.

References Sawyer::ThreadWorkers< DependencyGraph, Functor >::nFinished(), Sawyer::ThreadWorkers< DependencyGraph, Functor >::runningTasks(), Sawyer::ThreadWorkers< DependencyGraph, Functor >::start(), and Sawyer::ThreadWorkers< DependencyGraph, Functor >::tryWaitFor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processWorkList()

template<class WorkItems , class Functor >
void Sawyer::processWorkList ( WorkItems &  workList,
size_t  maxWorkers,
Functor  f 

Process work from a work list in parallel.

Processes each item in the work list by passing the item and the list of pending work to the provided functor. Up to maxWorkers work items are processed in parallel. The workList is responsible for holding the list of outstanding work items and hands them out one at a time according some priority. The WorkFifo is an example class that satisfies the WorkItems interface and hands out work items in the same order they were created. Since the functor is given a reference to the workList, wihch contains all pending work (work that hasn't started yet), the functor is able to modify the work list, such as adding additional work items.

Definition at line 69 of file WorkList.h.