LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - usr/include/boost/graph - adjacency_list.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: ROSE Lines: 0 23 0.0 %
Date: 2022-12-08 13:48:47 Functions: 0 6 0.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //=======================================================================
       2             : // Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
       3             : // Copyright 2010 Thomas Claveirole
       4             : // Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek, Thomas Claveirole
       5             : //
       6             : // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
       7             : // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
       8             : //
       9             : //=======================================================================
      10             : 
      11             : #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_ADJACENCY_LIST_HPP
      12             : #define BOOST_GRAPH_ADJACENCY_LIST_HPP
      13             : 
      14             : 
      15             : #include <boost/config.hpp>
      16             : 
      17             : #include <vector>
      18             : #include <list>
      19             : #include <set>
      20             : 
      21             : #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
      22             : 
      23             : #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
      24             : 
      25             : #include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
      26             : #include <boost/graph/graph_mutability_traits.hpp>
      27             : #include <boost/graph/graph_selectors.hpp>
      28             : #include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
      29             : #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
      30             : #include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
      31             : #include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
      32             : #include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
      33             : #include <boost/graph/detail/edge.hpp>
      34             : #include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
      35             : #include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
      36             : #include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
      37             : #include <boost/graph/named_graph.hpp>
      38             : 
      39             : namespace boost {
      40             : 
      41             :   //===========================================================================
      42             :   // Selectors for the VertexList and EdgeList template parameters of
      43             :   // adjacency_list, and the container_gen traits class which is used
      44             :   // to map the selectors to the container type used to implement the
      45             :   // graph.
      46             : 
      47             :   struct vecS  { };
      48             :   struct listS { };
      49             :   struct setS { };
      50             :   struct mapS  { };
      51             :   struct multisetS { };
      52             :   struct multimapS { };
      53             :   struct hash_setS { };
      54             :   struct hash_mapS { };
      55             :   struct hash_multisetS { };
      56             :   struct hash_multimapS { };
      57             : 
      58             :   template <class Selector, class ValueType>
      59             :   struct container_gen { };
      60             : 
      61             :   template <class ValueType>
      62             :   struct container_gen<listS, ValueType> {
      63             :     typedef std::list<ValueType> type;
      64             :   };
      65             : 
      66             :   template <class ValueType>
      67             :   struct container_gen<vecS, ValueType> {
      68             :     typedef std::vector<ValueType> type;
      69             :   };
      70             : 
      71             :   template <class ValueType>
      72             :   struct container_gen<mapS, ValueType> {
      73             :     typedef std::set<ValueType> type;
      74             :   };
      75             : 
      76             :   template <class ValueType>
      77             :   struct container_gen<setS, ValueType> {
      78             :     typedef std::set<ValueType> type;
      79             :   };
      80             : 
      81             :   template <class ValueType>
      82             :   struct container_gen<multisetS, ValueType> {
      83             :     typedef std::multiset<ValueType> type;
      84             :   };
      85             : 
      86             :   template <class ValueType>
      87             :   struct container_gen<multimapS, ValueType> {
      88             :     typedef std::multiset<ValueType> type;
      89             :   };
      90             : 
      91             :   template <class ValueType>
      92             :   struct container_gen<hash_setS, ValueType> {
      93             :     typedef boost::unordered_set<ValueType> type;
      94             :   };
      95             : 
      96             :   template <class ValueType>
      97             :   struct container_gen<hash_mapS, ValueType> {
      98             :     typedef boost::unordered_set<ValueType> type;
      99             :   };
     100             : 
     101             :   template <class ValueType>
     102             :   struct container_gen<hash_multisetS, ValueType> {
     103             :     typedef boost::unordered_multiset<ValueType> type;
     104             :   };
     105             : 
     106             :   template <class ValueType>
     107             :   struct container_gen<hash_multimapS, ValueType> {
     108             :     typedef boost::unordered_multiset<ValueType> type;
     109             :   };
     110             : 
     111             :   template <class StorageSelector>
     112             :   struct parallel_edge_traits { };
     113             : 
     114             :   template <>
     115             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<vecS> {
     116             :     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type; };
     117             : 
     118             :   template <>
     119             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<listS> {
     120             :     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type; };
     121             : 
     122             :   template <>
     123             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<setS> {
     124             :     typedef disallow_parallel_edge_tag type; };
     125             : 
     126             :   template <>
     127             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<multisetS> {
     128             :     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type; };
     129             : 
     130             :   template <>
     131             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<hash_setS> {
     132             :     typedef disallow_parallel_edge_tag type;
     133             :   };
     134             : 
     135             :   // mapS is obsolete, replaced with setS
     136             :   template <>
     137             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<mapS> {
     138             :     typedef disallow_parallel_edge_tag type; };
     139             : 
     140             :   template <>
     141             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<hash_mapS> {
     142             :     typedef disallow_parallel_edge_tag type;
     143             :   };
     144             : 
     145             :   template <>
     146             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<hash_multisetS> {
     147             :     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type;
     148             :   };
     149             : 
     150             :   template <>
     151             :   struct parallel_edge_traits<hash_multimapS> {
     152             :     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type;
     153             :   };
     154             : 
     155             :   namespace detail {
     156             :     template <class Directed> struct is_random_access {
     157             :       enum { value = false};
     158             :       typedef mpl::false_ type;
     159             :     };
     160             :     template <>
     161             :     struct is_random_access<vecS> {
     162             :       enum { value = true };
     163             :       typedef mpl::true_ type;
     164             :     };
     165             : 
     166             :   } // namespace detail
     167             : 
     168             :   template <typename Selector> struct is_distributed_selector: mpl::false_ {};
     169             : 
     170             : 
     171             :   //===========================================================================
     172             :   // The adjacency_list_traits class, which provides a way to access
     173             :   // some of the associated types of an adjacency_list type without
     174             :   // having to first create the adjacency_list type. This is useful
     175             :   // when trying to create interior vertex or edge properties who's
     176             :   // value type is a vertex or edge descriptor.
     177             : 
     178             :   template <class OutEdgeListS = vecS,
     179             :             class VertexListS = vecS,
     180             :             class DirectedS = directedS,
     181             :             class EdgeListS = listS>
     182             :   struct adjacency_list_traits
     183             :   {
     184             :     typedef typename detail::is_random_access<VertexListS>::type
     185             :       is_rand_access;
     186             :     typedef typename DirectedS::is_bidir_t is_bidir;
     187             :     typedef typename DirectedS::is_directed_t is_directed;
     188             : 
     189             :     typedef typename mpl::if_<is_bidir,
     190             :       bidirectional_tag,
     191             :       typename mpl::if_<is_directed,
     192             :         directed_tag, undirected_tag
     193             :       >::type
     194             :     >::type directed_category;
     195             : 
     196             :     typedef typename parallel_edge_traits<OutEdgeListS>::type
     197             :       edge_parallel_category;
     198             : 
     199             :     typedef std::size_t vertices_size_type;
     200             :     typedef void* vertex_ptr;
     201             :     typedef typename mpl::if_<is_rand_access,
     202             :       vertices_size_type, vertex_ptr>::type vertex_descriptor;
     203             :     typedef detail::edge_desc_impl<directed_category, vertex_descriptor>
     204             :       edge_descriptor;
     205             : 
     206             :   private:
     207             :     // Logic to figure out the edges_size_type
     208             :     struct dummy {};
     209             :     typedef typename container_gen<EdgeListS, dummy>::type EdgeContainer;
     210             :     typedef typename DirectedS::is_bidir_t BidirectionalT;
     211             :     typedef typename DirectedS::is_directed_t DirectedT;
     212             :     typedef typename mpl::and_<DirectedT,
     213             :       typename mpl::not_<BidirectionalT>::type >::type on_edge_storage;
     214             :   public:
     215             :     typedef typename mpl::if_<on_edge_storage,
     216             :        std::size_t, typename EdgeContainer::size_type
     217             :     >::type edges_size_type;
     218             : 
     219             :   };
     220             : 
     221             : } // namespace boost
     222             : 
     223             : #include <boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp>
     224             : 
     225             : namespace boost {
     226             : 
     227             :   //===========================================================================
     228             :   // The adjacency_list class.
     229             :   //
     230             : 
     231             :   template <class OutEdgeListS = vecS, // a Sequence or an AssociativeContainer
     232             :             class VertexListS = vecS, // a Sequence or a RandomAccessContainer
     233             :             class DirectedS = directedS,
     234             :             class VertexProperty = no_property,
     235             :             class EdgeProperty = no_property,
     236             :             class GraphProperty = no_property,
     237             :             class EdgeListS = listS>
     238             :   class adjacency_list
     239             :     : public detail::adj_list_gen<
     240             :       adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS,VertexListS,DirectedS,
     241             :                      VertexProperty,EdgeProperty,GraphProperty,EdgeListS>,
     242             :       VertexListS, OutEdgeListS, DirectedS,
     243             :       VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
     244             :       GraphProperty, EdgeListS>::type,
     245             :       // Support for named vertices
     246             :       public graph::maybe_named_graph<
     247             :         adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS,VertexListS,DirectedS,
     248             :                        VertexProperty,EdgeProperty,GraphProperty,EdgeListS>,
     249             :         typename adjacency_list_traits<OutEdgeListS, VertexListS, DirectedS,
     250             :                                        EdgeListS>::vertex_descriptor,
     251             :         VertexProperty>
     252             :   {
     253             :       public:
     254             :     typedef GraphProperty graph_property_type;
     255             :     typedef typename lookup_one_property<GraphProperty, graph_bundle_t>::type graph_bundled;
     256             : 
     257             :     typedef VertexProperty vertex_property_type;
     258             :     typedef typename lookup_one_property<VertexProperty, vertex_bundle_t>::type vertex_bundled;
     259             : 
     260             :     typedef EdgeProperty edge_property_type;
     261             :     typedef typename lookup_one_property<EdgeProperty, edge_bundle_t>::type edge_bundled;
     262             : 
     263             :   private:
     264             :     typedef adjacency_list self;
     265             :     typedef typename detail::adj_list_gen<
     266             :       self, VertexListS, OutEdgeListS, DirectedS,
     267             :       vertex_property_type, edge_property_type, GraphProperty, EdgeListS
     268             :     >::type Base;
     269             : 
     270             :   public:
     271             :     typedef typename Base::stored_vertex stored_vertex;
     272             :     typedef typename Base::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type;
     273             :     typedef typename Base::edges_size_type edges_size_type;
     274             :     typedef typename Base::degree_size_type degree_size_type;
     275             :     typedef typename Base::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
     276             :     typedef typename Base::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
     277             :     typedef OutEdgeListS out_edge_list_selector;
     278             :     typedef VertexListS vertex_list_selector;
     279             :     typedef DirectedS directed_selector;
     280             :     typedef EdgeListS edge_list_selector;
     281             : 
     282             : 
     283           0 :     adjacency_list(const GraphProperty& p = GraphProperty())
     284           0 :       : m_property(new graph_property_type(p))
     285           0 :     { }
     286             : 
     287             :     adjacency_list(const adjacency_list& x)
     288             :       : Base(x), m_property(new graph_property_type(*x.m_property))
     289             :     { }
     290             : 
     291           0 :     adjacency_list& operator=(const adjacency_list& x) {
     292             :       // TBD: probably should give the strong guarantee
     293           0 :       if (&x != this) {
     294           0 :         Base::operator=(x);
     295             : 
     296             :         // Copy/swap the ptr since we can't just assign it...
     297           0 :         property_ptr p(new graph_property_type(*x.m_property));
     298           0 :         m_property.swap(p);
     299             :       }
     300           0 :       return *this;
     301             :     }
     302             : 
     303             :     // Required by Mutable Graph
     304           0 :     adjacency_list(vertices_size_type num_vertices,
     305             :                           const GraphProperty& p = GraphProperty())
     306           0 :       : Base(num_vertices), m_property(new graph_property_type(p))
     307           0 :     { }
     308             : 
     309             :     // Required by Iterator Constructible Graph
     310             :     template <class EdgeIterator>
     311             :     adjacency_list(EdgeIterator first, EdgeIterator last,
     312             :                           vertices_size_type n,
     313             :                           edges_size_type = 0,
     314             :                           const GraphProperty& p = GraphProperty())
     315             :       : Base(n, first, last), m_property(new graph_property_type(p))
     316             :     { }
     317             : 
     318             :     template <class EdgeIterator, class EdgePropertyIterator>
     319             :     adjacency_list(EdgeIterator first, EdgeIterator last,
     320             :                           EdgePropertyIterator ep_iter,
     321             :                           vertices_size_type n,
     322             :                           edges_size_type = 0,
     323             :                           const GraphProperty& p = GraphProperty())
     324             :       : Base(n, first, last, ep_iter), m_property(new graph_property_type(p))
     325             :     { }
     326             : 
     327             :     void swap(adjacency_list& x) {
     328             :       // Is there a more efficient way to do this?
     329             :       adjacency_list tmp(x);
     330             :       x = *this;
     331             :       *this = tmp;
     332             :     }
     333             : 
     334           0 :     void clear()
     335             :     {
     336           0 :       this->clearing_graph();
     337           0 :       Base::clear();
     338             :     }
     339             : 
     340             : #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES
     341             :     // Directly access a vertex or edge bundle
     342           0 :     vertex_bundled& operator[](vertex_descriptor v)
     343           0 :     { return get(vertex_bundle, *this)[v]; }
     344             : 
     345           0 :     const vertex_bundled& operator[](vertex_descriptor v) const
     346           0 :     { return get(vertex_bundle, *this)[v]; }
     347             : 
     348           0 :     edge_bundled& operator[](edge_descriptor e)
     349           0 :     { return get(edge_bundle, *this)[e]; }
     350             : 
     351             :     const edge_bundled& operator[](edge_descriptor e) const
     352             :     { return get(edge_bundle, *this)[e]; }
     353             : 
     354             :     graph_bundled& operator[](graph_bundle_t)
     355             :     { return get_property(*this); }
     356             : 
     357             :     graph_bundled const& operator[](graph_bundle_t) const
     358             :     { return get_property(*this); }
     359             : #endif
     360             : 
     361             :     //  protected:  (would be protected if friends were more portable)
     362             :     typedef scoped_ptr<graph_property_type> property_ptr;
     363             :     property_ptr  m_property;
     364             :   };
     365             : 
     366             : #define ADJLIST_PARAMS \
     367             :     typename OEL, typename VL, typename D, typename VP, typename EP, \
     368             :     typename GP, typename EL
     369             : #define ADJLIST adjacency_list<OEL,VL,D,VP,EP,GP,EL>
     370             : 
     371             :   template<ADJLIST_PARAMS, typename Tag, typename Value>
     372             :   inline void set_property(ADJLIST& g, Tag tag, Value const& value) {
     373             :     get_property_value(*g.m_property, tag) = value;
     374             :   }
     375             : 
     376             :   template<ADJLIST_PARAMS, typename Tag>
     377             :   inline typename graph_property<ADJLIST, Tag>::type&
     378             :   get_property(ADJLIST& g, Tag tag) {
     379             :     return get_property_value(*g.m_property, tag);
     380             :   }
     381             : 
     382             :   template<ADJLIST_PARAMS, typename Tag>
     383             :   inline typename graph_property<ADJLIST, Tag>::type const&
     384             :   get_property(ADJLIST const& g, Tag tag) {
     385             :     return get_property_value(*g.m_property, tag);
     386             :   }
     387             : 
     388             :   // dwa 09/25/00 - needed to be more explicit so reverse_graph would work.
     389             :   template <class Directed, class Vertex,
     390             :       class OutEdgeListS,
     391             :       class VertexListS,
     392             :       class DirectedS,
     393             :       class VertexProperty,
     394             :       class EdgeProperty,
     395             :       class GraphProperty, class EdgeListS>
     396             :   inline Vertex
     397           0 :   source(const detail::edge_base<Directed,Vertex>& e,
     398             :          const adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, VertexListS, DirectedS,
     399             :                  VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS>&)
     400             :   {
     401             :     return e.m_source;
     402             :   }
     403             : 
     404             :   template <class Directed, class Vertex, class OutEdgeListS,
     405             :       class VertexListS, class DirectedS, class VertexProperty,
     406             :       class EdgeProperty, class GraphProperty, class EdgeListS>
     407             :   inline Vertex
     408           0 :   target(const detail::edge_base<Directed,Vertex>& e,
     409             :          const adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, VertexListS, DirectedS,
     410             :               VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS>&)
     411             :   {
     412             :     return e.m_target;
     413             :   }
     414             : 
     415             : // Mutability Traits
     416             : template <ADJLIST_PARAMS>
     417             : struct graph_mutability_traits<ADJLIST> {
     418             :     typedef mutable_property_graph_tag category;
     419             : };
     420             : 
     421             : // Can't remove vertices from adjacency lists with VL==vecS
     422             : template <typename OEL, typename D, typename VP, typename EP, typename GP, typename EL>
     423             : struct graph_mutability_traits< adjacency_list<OEL,vecS,D,VP,EP,GP,EL> > {
     424             :     typedef add_only_property_graph_tag category;
     425             : };
     426             : #undef ADJLIST_PARAMS
     427             : #undef ADJLIST
     428             : 
     429             : 
     430             : } // namespace boost
     431             : 
     432             : 
     433             : #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_ADJACENCY_LIST_HPP

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14