Participated projects by Dr. Yan (not in a *PI role)
eXascale PRogramming Environment and System Software (XPRESS), DoE, 2012-2014 (Barbara Chapman as PI). Dr. Yan lead the legacy migration efforts from UH for integrating the OpenMP/MPI runtime environments with the HPX ParallelX execution model implementations created by project partners from LSU and Indiana University. The OpenMP compiler will be based on OpenUH open source research compiler, a branch of Open64.
OpenACC Research Compiler project, Nvidia 2012-2014 (Barbara Chapman as PI). Dr. Yan lead the the project to create an open-source research compiler of OpenACC programming models for accelerators based on OpenUH.
Programming Models, Compilers, and Runtimes for High-End Computing on Manycore Processors (Rice Habanero and U. of Delaware](, focusing on creating high-level programming model for IBM Cyclops64 manycore architectures, NSF, 2009-2011
Scientific workflow application scheduling in distributed and grid systems: create metascheduling solutions for scientific workflow applications on distributed and grid computing resources including execution coordination, resource reservation and planning, workflow specification and runtime support. More details.
Solaris for Embedded Systems, Ported Solaris NFS boot, UFS boot and kernel runtime linker for PowerPC, developed GRUB2 Multiboot loader for PowerPC, debug Genesi ODW Open Firmware implementation