2.4. Synchronization of Threads Using Barrier and Ordered Directive#

2.4.1. Introduction to Synchronization in Parallel Programming with OpenMP#

In parallel programming, synchronization is a fundamental concept that ensures that multiple threads or processes execute concurrently in a controlled manner. Synchronization mechanisms are crucial for maintaining the correctness and efficiency of parallel programs, particularly when multiple threads interact or share resources.

OpenMP, a widely used directive-based parallel programming model, provides various synchronization constructs that help manage the complexities of concurrent execution. Among these, the barrier and ordered directives play pivotal roles in controlling the flow and order of execution across threads. Understanding these directives is essential for developing robust and efficient parallel applications.

  • Barrier Directive: This directive is used to align threads at a synchronization point before any of them can proceed further. It ensures that all threads in a team reach a certain point in the execution before moving on. This is particularly useful when subsequent operations depend on the completion of certain tasks by all threads.

  • Ordered Directive: This directive controls the sequence of execution within loop iterations, making it possible to enforce a specific order when needed. It is essential in situations where the order of operations affects the outcome, such as in numerical simulations or cumulative operations.

The correct use of these directives not only enhances the performance of parallel programs but also prevents common issues such as race conditions, deadlocks, and inconsistent outputs. In the following sections, we will explore each of these synchronization mechanisms in detail, providing usage examples and best practices to integrate them effectively into your OpenMP programs.

2.4.2. Barrier Directive#

The Barrier Directive is an essential synchronization mechanism in OpenMP, designed to ensure that all threads within a parallel region reach a certain point in the code before any thread can proceed. This collective synchronization is crucial in scenarios where different threads must complete their assigned tasks before the next phase of computation begins. Purpose of the Barrier Directive#

The primary purpose of the barrier directive is to synchronize threads, which helps to:

  • Ensure that all preprocessing or initialization tasks are completed by all threads before moving on to the main computation.

  • Prevent race conditions where threads might read or write shared data that has not yet been fully prepared by other threads.

  • Manage the workflow in complex parallel tasks, making debugging and maintenance easier by defining clear synchronization points. Usage#

The barrier directive is simple to use and can be added anywhere within a parallel region where synchronization is required. The syntax is as follows:

#pragma omp barrier

This directive causes each thread to wait until all members of the team reach the barrier. Once the last thread arrives, all threads are released to continue execution beyond the barrier. Example: Using the Barrier Directive#

Consider a scenario where multiple threads are tasked with initializing different sections of an array, and a subsequent computation requires the entire array to be initialized:

//%compiler: clang
//%cflags: -fopenmp

#include <omp.h>
#define SIZE 100
int array[SIZE];

void initialize_array() {
    #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)
        int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
        int chunk_size = SIZE / omp_get_num_threads();

        // Each thread initializes its portion of the array
        for (int i = tid * chunk_size; i < (tid + 1) * chunk_size; i++) {
            array[i] = compute_initial_value(i);

        // Wait for all threads to finish initializing
        #pragma omp barrier

        // After the barrier, all parts of the array are initialized
        if (tid == 0) {  // Only the master thread executes this
            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
                process_array(i, array[i]);

In this example, the #pragma omp barrier ensures that no thread begins processing the array until all threads have completed their initialization tasks. This avoids any dependency issues and ensures that data is correctly prepared for subsequent operations. Considerations#

While barriers are powerful, they should be used judiciously:

  • Performance: Unnecessary barriers can degrade performance by forcing threads to wait, even if they could otherwise continue execution independently.

  • Deadlocks: Incorrect use of barriers can lead to deadlocks, especially if not all threads reach the barrier.

The barrier directive is a fundamental tool in OpenMP for coordinating the complex behaviors of multiple threads, ensuring that multi-threaded programs execute reliably and correctly.

2.4.3. Ordered Directive#

In OpenMP, the ordered directive provides a method to manage the execution order of iterations within a parallel loop. This capability is critical in ensuring the orderly execution of code segments where the sequence of operations is important for correctness or performance. Purpose of the Ordered Directive#

The ordered directive is particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • The output sequence must match the input sequence, such as when writing to files or producing time-sensitive results.

  • Operations within the loop have dependencies that require them to execute in a specific order. Usage#

The ordered directive is typically used in conjunction with loop constructs and is specified using the ordered clause within a loop directive. The actual code block that needs to be ordered is marked with an ordered directive.

//%compiler: clang
//%cflags: -fopenmp

#pragma omp for ordered
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // Pre-processing that can be done out of order
    #pragma omp ordered
        // Code here is executed in the order of loop iterations

This structure allows the bulk of the loop to execute in parallel, with only the critical section that needs ordering being controlled. Compatibility with the doacross Clause#

The ordered directive can be effectively combined with the doacross loop schedule, which provides finer control over loop iteration dependencies. The doacross clause enables specifying dependencies across loop iterations, which can be crucial for loops where iteration ( i ) must complete certain operations before iteration ( i+1 ) can begin effectively:

#pragma omp for ordered(2) doacross
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    #pragma omp ordered depend(sink: i-1)
    #pragma omp ordered depend(source)

In this example, each iteration of the loop depends on the completion of the previous iteration, controlled by the ordered and doacross clauses. This setup is ideal for scenarios requiring tightly coupled iterative operations. Example: Serial Output in Parallel Loop#

Consider a case where multiple threads perform calculations, but results must be output in the original order of the loop indices:

//%compiler: clang
//%cflags: -fopenmp

#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void ordered_output() {
    int n = 100;
    #pragma omp parallel for ordered
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int result = complex_calculation(i);
        #pragma omp ordered
            printf("Result for %d: %d\n", i, result);

int complex_calculation(int x) {
    return x * x;  // A placeholder for a more complex operation

In this example, the complex_calculation function can be executed in parallel, but the printf function inside the ordered block ensures that results are printed in the sequence corresponding to the increasing order of i. Considerations#

  • Performance: While the ordered directive is powerful for controlling execution sequence, it can significantly reduce parallelism, potentially leading to performance degradation. It should be used only when necessary.

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the use of the ordered directive is compatible with the chosen loop scheduling strategy, as some combinations may lead to inefficient execution.

Using the ordered directive effectively allows developers to balance the needs for parallel execution and sequential order, providing control over how and when certain parts of the code execute relative to others.

2.4.4. Summary#

In this chapter, we explored two crucial synchronization mechanisms in OpenMP: the barrier and ordered directives. These directives are fundamental tools for managing the complexities and challenges of parallel programming, ensuring that multi-threaded operations execute in a controlled and predictable manner.

  • Barrier Directive: We discussed how the barrier directive is used to synchronize all threads at a specific point within a parallel region. This synchronization ensures that all threads complete their tasks up to the barrier before any thread can proceed, which is essential for tasks that require all preceding operations to be completed before continuing. The barrier directive is invaluable for maintaining data integrity and order in multi-threaded environments.

  • Ordered Directive: We examined the ordered directive, which controls the sequence of iteration execution within loop constructs. This directive is particularly useful when the order of operations affects the outcome, such as outputting results in a sequential order or performing cumulative calculations that depend on the sequence of data processing. By allowing parts of the loop to execute in parallel while controlling the order of critical sections, the ordered directive balances efficiency with the necessity for order. Key Takeaways:#

  1. Correct Use Enhances Performance: While both directives impose some synchronization overhead, their correct use can lead to significant improvements in program correctness and stability. It’s essential to use these synchronization tools judiciously to enhance performance without compromising the benefits of parallel execution.

  2. Prevent Common Issues: These directives help prevent common parallel programming issues such as race conditions, deadlocks, and incorrect data handling. Understanding when and how to use these tools is critical for developing robust parallel applications.

  3. Application Scenarios: Whether synchronizing data access with barriers or ensuring ordered operations with the ordered directive, these tools are applicable in a wide range of scenarios in scientific computing, data processing, and real-time system operations.

This chapter has provided a foundational understanding of synchronization in OpenMP, equipping you with the knowledge to effectively apply these mechanisms in your parallel programming projects. As you continue to explore OpenMP, remember that the thoughtful application of synchronization constructs is key to unlocking the full potential of parallel computing resources.