4.4. Asynchronous Execution and Dependencies#

OpenMP provides support for asynchronous execution and dependencies, allowing programmers to overlap computation and data transfers, and specify dependencies between tasks and target regions. Asynchronous execution can help improve performance by reducing idle time and enabling better utilization of CPU and GPU resources. Dependencies ensure that tasks and target regions are executed in the correct order, based on the specified data dependencies. In this section, we will explore the nowait clause for asynchronous target execution, the depend clause for specifying dependencies, and the taskwait directive for synchronization.

4.4.1. Asynchronous target execution with nowait clause#

The nowait clause can be used with the target directive to indicate that the execution of the target region should be asynchronous. When nowait is specified, the host thread can continue execution without waiting for the target region to complete. This allows for overlapping computation on the host with computation on the device.


#pragma omp target map(to: a[0:n]) map(from: b[0:n]) nowait
  // Compute on the device using 'a' and 'b'

// Perform independent computation on the host
// ...

// Synchronize with the target region
#pragma omp taskwait

In this example, the nowait clause allows the host thread to continue execution after launching the target region. The host can perform independent computations while the target region is executing on the device. The taskwait directive is used to synchronize with the completion of the target region.

4.4.2. Specifying dependencies with depend clause#

The depend clause is used to specify dependencies between tasks and target regions. It ensures that the dependent tasks or target regions are executed in the correct order based on the specified data dependencies. The depend clause can be used with the task and target directives.

The syntax of the depend clause is as follows:

depend(dependency-type: list)

The dependency-type can be one of the following:

  • in: The task or target region depends on the input data specified in the list.

  • out: The task or target region produces the output data specified in the list.

  • inout: The task or target region both depends on and produces the data specified in the list.


#pragma omp target map(to: a[0:n]) depend(out: a[0:n])
  // Compute on the device and modify 'a'

#pragma omp target map(to: a[0:n]) map(from: b[0:n]) depend(in: a[0:n])
  // Compute on the device using 'a' and 'b'

In this example, the second target region depends on the output of the first target region. The depend clause ensures that the second target region will not start execution until the first target region has completed and the data in a is available.

4.4.3. Synchronization with taskwait directive#

The taskwait directive is used to synchronize the execution of tasks and target regions. It specifies a wait on the completion of child tasks and target regions of the current task.


#pragma omp target map(to: a[0:n]) nowait
  // Compute on the device using 'a'

#pragma omp target map(to: b[0:n]) nowait
  // Compute on the device using 'b'

#pragma omp taskwait

// Access results from both target regions

In this example, the taskwait directive ensures that the host thread waits for the completion of both target regions before accessing the results.

By leveraging asynchronous execution and dependencies in OpenMP, programmers can achieve better performance through overlapping computation and data transfers, and ensuring the correct order of execution based on data dependencies.

In the next section, we will delve into device memory management in OpenMP, exploring how to allocate and free memory on the device, associate host and device memory, and optimize data transfers.